Hitt sijun, Zulaii an' bagtauu ee vighuad huad cud qngx, jiyr qngx danghongx jit-bxan veh-cingx xee vut ee qoktow, byy jit xui byy venww jiyr, cincniu henrjai soxx qnir jerje vut ee qoktow.
Milik, liw qaidongx jaix, hitt sijun hue-diongx u zi-jap-ig xee posad, hnuahiw beh tniax hxuad. Jiaxee posad qnir diyc jitt dy qngx poxpenr jiyr dirr vut ee qoktow, did diyc m bad qinglik .quer .ee, longxx sniu beh jaix jitt dy qngx ee inenn.
Hitt sii u jit xee qiyr juer Bibiau Qngx ee posad, ix u veh-vah xee derjuw. Hitt sijun, Zidguat Dingx Bingg Vut an’ samadhi cud .laii, uirr Bibiau Qngx Posad qangxsuad Dairsing ee qingdenw, qiyr juer Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx, si qar posad ee hxuad, virr vut soxx horliam. Qingquer lak-jap siyw qiab, ix longxx byy an’ jyrui vreh kiw. Hitt sii, hue-diongx decc tniax :ee iarr dirr hiax jre lehh, qingquer lak-jap siyw qiab, srinx qapp simx longxx byy dinxdang, tniax vut decc qangxhuad bersux jit dxngr vng ee siqanx. Hitt sii dirr jingwlangg lairdew, byy qaxx jit langg bylun srinx iacc simx u iawlanw.
Zidguat Dingx Bingg Vut dirr lak-jap siyw qiab qongw jitt vxo qingx liauw, dyrr dirr Brahma, moongg, sabunn, brahmin qapp tenzinn, langg, ixqip asura lairdew suanqangw qongxx, ‘Zulaii dirr qinaxzit ee vnuamii beh zip byy cunx ee liappuann’
Hitt sii u jit xee qiyr juer Srigarbha ee posad. Zidguat Dingx Bingg Vut dyrr qra ix siurqir, qycc duiww jiongww bikiu qongw, 'Jitt xee si Srigarbha Posad, e jniaa juer au jit xee vut, hy juer Jingrsinx Zulaii, Qaidongx Qiong'iongw, Jniar Venww Qakdix.'
Vut siurqir liauw, dyrr dirr vnuawmii zip byy cunx ee liappuann. Vut beddo liauxau, Bibiau Qngx Posad cisiuw Bixbiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx, muaw veh-jap siyw qiab uirr langg’ enxsuad.
Zidguat Dingx Bingg Vut veh xee qniaw longxx vair Bibiau Qngx juer sensnix. Bibiau Qngx qra inx qauwhuar, hro inx ee anuttara-samyaksambodhi qenqor.
Jiaxee ongjuw qiong’iongw buliong vaccingbanrig xee vut liauxau, longxx singjiu vuddy. Juewau jniaa vut :ee qiyr juer Diamw Dingx.
Veh-vah xee derjuw lairdew u jit xee qiyr juer Qriuu Miaa, tambee bingli, suizenn itjair togsiong jerje qingdenw, mrqycc be tongdat, longxx qir be diauu, soxiw hy juer Qriuu Miaa. Jitt xee langg in'ui u jingr jerje senrqinx ee enqor, tangx duw diyc buliong vaccingbanrig xee vut, tangx qra inx qiong’iongw, qiongqingr, jundiong, qapp janwtanr.
Milik, liw qaidongx jaix, hitt sii ee Bibiau Qngx Posad qamxx si vadd langg? Qisit dyrr si guaw. Qriuu Miaa Posad dyrr si liw. Qimzit qnir diyc jitt xee suirsiongg ham’ dongcox byy jingcax. Soxiw tangx cunxdok, qimzit Zulaii qaidongx beh qangxsuad Dairsing ee qingdenw, qiyr juer Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx, si qar posad ee hxuad, virr vut soxx horliam."
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter I Introduction 6)
“Then the Buddha emitted a ray of light from the tuft of white hair between his eyebrows which completely illuminated all the eighteen thousand worlds in the east, in the same way that all of these buddha worlds are visible now.
“O Maitreya! You should know that at that time there were twenty koṭis of bodhisattvas in the assembly who wanted to hear the Dharma. All of these bodhisattvas, having seen all the buddha worlds completely illuminated by this ray of light, were struck with wonder and wanted to know why it was emitted.
“A bodhisattva named Varaprabha was there with his eight hundred disciples. At that time the Buddha Candrasūryapradīpa, having emerged from samādhi, remained sitting for sixty intermediate kalpas and revealed to Bodhisattva Varaprabha the Mahayana sutra called Saddharmapuṇḍarīka, the White Lotus of the Marvelous Law (hereafter Lotus Sutra), which was the instruction for bodhisattvas and the treasured lore of the buddhas. The assembly also sat there undisturbed in body and mind listening to the Buddha’s exposition for sixty intermediate kalpas as if only a single mealtime had passed; during that time not a single person among them experienced fatigue of body or mind.
“Having taught this sutra for sixty intermediate kalpas, the Buddha Candrasūryapradīpa made this proclamation to the assembly of Brahmas, māras, śrāmaṇas, brahmans, devas, humans, and asuras, saying: On this day during the middle watch of the night, the Tathāgata will enter nirvana without residue.
“Then the Buddha Candrasūryapradīpa gave this prediction to a bodhisattva called Śrīgarbha. Addressing the monks, he said: This Bodhisattva Śrīgarbha will become the next buddha after me. He will be called Vimalāṅganetra, a Tathāgata, Arhat, Completely Enlightened.
“The Buddha, after having made this prediction, entered nirvana without residue during the middle of the night. After the Buddha passed into extinction, Bodhisattva Varaprabha, having preserved the Lotus Sutra, taught it to humans for the full period of eighty intermediate kalpas.
“This Bodhisattva Varaprabha was made the teacher for the Buddha Candrasūryapradīpa’s eight princes. Varaprabha led and inspired them and caused them to be firm in highest, complete enlightenment.
“After paying homage to innumerable hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of buddhas, all these princes attained the path of the buddhas. The last of these to become enlightened was named Dīpaṃkara.
“Among the eight hundred disciples of Bodhisattva Varaprabha there was a man named Yaśaskāma who was attached to profit. Even though he had repeatedly recited the sutras he never became versed in them and forgot the greater part. That is why he was called Yaśaskāma, ‘Fame Seeker.’ But because he had also planted various roots of good merit, he was able to meet innumerable hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of buddhas whom he rendered homage to, honored, revered, and praised.
“O Maitreya! You should know that Bodhisattva Varaprabha at that time was none other than myself, and Bodhisattva Yaśaskāma was none other than you. The marvel we see here is exactly the same as the previous one. Therefore I am certain that today the Tathāgata will teach the Mahayana sutra called the Lotus Sutra, the instruction for bodhisattvas and treasured lore of the buddhas.”
(妙法蓮華經第一品 序之6)
爾時如來放眉間白毫相光。照東方萬八千佛土。靡不周遍。如今所見是諸佛土。彌勒當知。爾時會中有二十億菩薩。樂欲聽法。是諸菩薩見此光明普照佛土。得未曾有。欲知此光所為因緣。時有菩薩。名曰妙光。有八百弟子。是時日月燈明佛從三昧起。因妙光菩薩說大乘經。名妙法蓮華教菩薩法佛所護念。六十小劫不起于座。時會聽者亦坐一處。六十小劫身心不動。聽佛所說謂如食頃。是時眾中。無有一人若身若心而生懈惓。日月燈明佛。於六十小劫說是經已。即於梵魔沙門婆羅門及天人阿修羅眾中。而宣此言。如來於今日中夜當入無餘涅槃。時有菩薩。名曰德藏。 日月燈明佛。即授其記。告諸比丘。是德藏菩薩。次當作佛。號曰淨身多陀阿伽度阿羅訶三藐三佛陀。佛授記已。便於中夜入無餘涅槃。佛滅度後。妙光菩薩。持妙法蓮華經。滿八十小劫為人演說。日月燈明佛八子。皆師妙光。妙光教化。令其堅固阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。是諸王子。供養無量百千萬億佛已。皆成佛道。其最後成佛者。名曰燃燈。八百弟子中有一人。號曰求名。貪著利養。雖復讀誦眾經而不通利。多所忘失。故號求名。是人亦以種諸善根因緣故。得值無量百千萬億諸佛。供養恭敬尊重讚歎。彌勒當知。爾時妙光菩薩。豈異人乎。我身是也。求名菩薩汝身是也。今見此瑞與本無異。是故惟忖。今日如來當說大乘經。名妙法蓮華教菩薩法佛所護念。