Hitt xee sijun, sir jiongw derjuw, bikiu, bikuni, upasaka, upasika, tenzinn, lringg, yaksha, gandhava, asura, garuda, kinnara, mahoraga dingxdingw jiaxee dairjiongr, knuar diyc Sariputra dirr vut taujingg sriu anuttara-samyak-sambodhi ee qiwzin, simlai dua hnuahiw, ciagciak diyy, hnuahiw qaxx be qor .did, qokqog qra sinkux soxx cing ee dingxbin snxax trngr driau laii qiong’iongw vut. Tender Sakra, Brahma qappg busor tenjuw iarr iong tnidingw bibiau ee snxax, tnidingw ee mandarava qapp manjusaka dingxdingw qiong'iongw vut. Tnidingw ee snxax snruar dirr kongdiongx qaqi decc sec. Tnidingw ee imgak vaccingban jiongw dirr kongdiongx jidsii jywhuew enxjaur. Tnix lyc jiongxjiongw ee huex-ho, juer sniax qongxx, “Vut sikzit dirr Varanasi co' crur dngw huatlunn, qimzit iurqycc dngw busiong jueww dua huatlunn.”
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter III A Parable 5)
At that time the fourfold assembly of monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen and the great assembly of devas, nāgas, yakṣas, gandharvas, asuras, garuḍas, kiṃnaras, and mahoragas saw Śāriputra receive his prediction of highest, complete enlightenment in the presence of the Buddha. They rejoiced greatly and became immeasurably happy. All of them removed their outer garments and proffered them to the Buddha as offerings. Śakra, the lord of devas, and Brahma, together with innumerable devaputras also made offerings to the Buddha of their heavenly beautiful garments, heavenly māndārava flowers, and great māndārava flowers. Their heavenly garments floated and fluttered in the air, while in the sky the devas played hundreds of thousands of myriads of kinds of music together at one time. They rained down various heavenly flowers and said: “In the past the Buddha turned the wheel of the Dharma for the first time in Vārāṇasī. Now he has turned the wheel of the utmost and greatest Dharma again.”
(妙法蓮華經第三品 譬喻之5)