
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (snax-6)


Hitt sijun, jiongww tenjuw beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:

“Sikzit dirr Varanasi 

Vuddyy dngw Sir Singwder ee huatlunn 

It'id sueh cud jiongxjiongw Hxuad 

Qapp go jiongw dxir ee snix-bet 

Qimzit qycjaiww dngw jueww bibiau 

Busiong dua huatlunn 

Jitt xee Hxuad jiokk cim’yr 

E sinr :ee jin’ jiyw 

Guanw an’ ingxsii ixlaii 

Sxor vaiw tniax Sewjunx qangxsuad 

M bad tniax diyc jitt hy 

Cim’uanw qycc bibiau ee siongrdingw Hxuad 

Sewjunx qangsuad jitt xee Hxuad 

Guanw longxx jiokk hnuahiw 

U dua diwhui ee Sariputra 

Qimzit sriu junquir ee qiwzin 

Guanw iarr qangrkuanw 

Vitdnia e juer vut 

Dirr itcer sewqanx 

Juer siongrr junquir jiww quann busiong :ee 

Vuddy vutkyw-sugi 

Iong hongven suisun jiongwsingx juer diaujingw  

Guaw soxu ee hokdig qapp senrgiap 

Qimser iacc quewkir sxer 

Ixqip qnir diyc vut ee qongdig 

Longxx huehiongr hro vuddy”

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter III A Parable 6)

Thereupon the devaputras spoke these verses in order to explain this again: 

In the past you turned the wheel of the Dharma 

Of the Four [Noble] Truths in Vārāṇasī; 

And you illuminated and explained the Dharma 

Of the origination and extinction of the five aggregates. 

You have now again turned the wheel 

Of the subtlest, utmost, and greatest Dharma.

This Dharma is extremely profound; 

Only a few will be able to believe it. 

Since long ago we have frequently heard 

The teaching of the Bhagavat, 

Yet we have never before heard 

Such a profound and supreme teaching. 

When the Bhagavat taught this Dharma 

We were all delighted. 

And now Śāriputra, possessed of great wisdom, 

Has received his prediction from the Bhagavat.

In the same way, we too, 

Shall certainly become buddhas. 

We shall become peerless, 

Unrivaled in all the world. 

The path of the Buddha, 

Which is difficult to understand,

Is taught with skillful means 

According to what is appropriate for sentient beings. 

May the merits of our beneficial acts,

Whether of the past or the present, 

And those acquired in meeting the Buddha, 

Be completely transferred to the buddha path.

(妙法蓮華經第三品 譬喻之6)  


 昔於波羅奈  轉四諦法輪

 分別說諸法  五眾之生滅

 今復轉最妙  無上大法輪

 是法甚深奧  少有能信者

 我等從昔來  數聞世尊說

 未曾聞如是  深妙之上法

 世尊說是法  我等皆隨喜

 大智舍利弗  今得受尊記

 我等亦如是  必當得作佛

 於一切世間  最尊無有上

 佛道叵思議  方便隨宜說

 我所有福業  今世若過世

 及見佛功德  盡迴向佛道

