Vuddyy qongw, "Linw jiaxee jiongww tenzinn, zinbinn, qapp au sxer ee langg, jitmaw tangx tniax diyc Vut qingdenw ee uergiw, qaidongx cimx cimx sukyw, erdangr dirr qidiongx duanjniar simhing. Dirr dingxbin :ee dairsingx jyr sxen, cuarniaw qapp qauwhuar dirr erdew :ee, horsiongx tuandix Vut ee tikling, qokk langg duanjniar jursinx laii junsiuw. Jundiong singwjiaw, qingwdiong senrzinn, zinjuu, pok'air. Vut ee qauwhuer, m qnaw kuihu. Qaidongx qriuu dorser, vuic dng snesiw jiongxjiongw og ee qinx, qaidongx lirkuix snax og dy ee buliong iuciuu, kiongxhongg, qapp koxtangr ee lo. Linw dirr jiax dairdimm jaijingr dikhing ee qunvunw, vowsix unhui, m tangx ciokhuan dyrgi qapp uihuanw qimwling. Zimxziok, jingjinr, itsimx qriuu diwhui. Horsiongx qauwhuar, uirr dxig lip sxen. Duanjniar sim'ir, jaiqair cingjing, jit qangx jit mee, kacc ngiaa dirr Buliong Siursor Qog jyr sxen vah nii. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Hitt xee Vut ee qoktow, buuii jurzenn, jikkngr jiongxjiongw ee sxen, lenrr taujangx hiacc iur ee og dy' byy. Dirr jiax siusen, jap qangx jap mee, kacc ngiaa dirr vadd xui jerje vut ee qoklai jyr sxen jit-cingx nii. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Vadd xui ee vudqog, jyr sxen :ee je, jyr og :ee jiyw, hokdig jurzenn, byy jyr og ee soxjai. Dogdok dirr jiax u jerje og, jurzenn :ee byy, kunkow duiqiuu iogbong, horsiongx kipenr, simx lryy hxingg kow, limx kow jiac dok. Cincniu jitt kuanw ee og su, m bad suacqiok .quer.
(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 71)
The Buddha continued, "You and other devas and humans of the present and people of future generations, having received the Buddha's teachings, should reflect upon them and, while following them, should remain upright in thought and do virtuous deeds. Rulers should abide by morality, reign with beneficence and decree that everyone should maintain proper conduct, revere the sages, respect men of virtue, be benevolent and kind to others, and take care not to disregard the Buddha's teachings and admonitions. All should seek emancipation, cut the roots of Samsara and its various evils, and so aspire to escape from the paths of immeasurable sorrow, fear and pain in the three evil realms. In this world, you should extensively plant roots of virtue, be benevolent, give generously, abstain from breaking the precepts, be patient and diligent, teach people with sincerity and wisdom, do virtuous deeds, and practice good. If you strictly observe the precepts of abstinence with upright thought and mindfulness even for a day and a night, the merit acquired will surpass that of practicing good in the land of Amitayus for a hundred years. The reason is that in that Buddha-land of effortless spontaneity all the inhabitants do good without committing even a hair's breadth of evil. If in this world you do good for ten days and nights, the merit acquired will surpass that of practicing good in the Buddha-land of other quarters for a thousand years. The reason is that in the Buddha-land of other quarters many practice good and very few commit evil. They are lands where everything is naturally provided as a result of one's merit and virtue, and so no evil is done. But in this world much evil is committed, and few are provided for naturally; people must work hard to get what they want. Since they intend to deceive each other, their minds are troubled, their bodies exhausted, and they drink bitterness and eat hardship. In this way, they are preoccupied with their toil no have time for rest.
(佛說無量壽經 - 71)