Vuddyy qongw, "Guaw kyxlenn linw jiaxee jiongww tenzinn qapp zinbinn, kacc je quer verbuw quawliam qniaxzii. Dnaxx guaw dirr jitt sxer jyr vut, hanghuar go kuanw og, siauduu go hxang tniar, bedjuat go jiongw siyx, ixx sxen qrongx og, vuic driau snesiw ee kow, hro linw did diyc go jiongw dikhing, sringx kir qaur buuii ee anlok. Guaw kiwser liauxau, qingdenw ee dy jiamrjiam byy .kir, sewzinn tiamxbi, jawgui, qycjaiww jyr jiongxjiongw og. Go jiongw siyx qapp go hxang tniar, dngw kir qaur ixjingg qangrkuanw. Quw .laii venr qioglet, byy huatdo longxx qongw cingcyw. Guaw dna' uirr linw iokliok aw qangxsuad narnia."
(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 73)
The Buddha continued, "My concern for you, devas and humans, is greater than the care of parents for their children. I have become a Buddha in this world, destroyed the five evils, removed the five sufferings, and extinguished the five burnings. I have countered evil with good, eradicated the suffering of birth-and-death, and enabled people to acquire the five virtues and attain the peace of unconditioned Nirvana. But after I have departed from this world, my teaching will gradually decline and people will fall prey to flattery and deceit and commit various evils, resulting in the recurrence of the five sufferings and the five burnings. As time goes on, their sufferings will intensify. As it is impossible to describe this in detail, I have given you only a brief outline.
(佛說無量壽經 - 73)