
Sir Liamrju Qingx (53)

Qycjaiww qongw, jiongww bikiu! Sniaxmic si snix? Dirr itcer ee singlingg lairdew, jiongwsingx ee snix dyrr si did diyc mia, siursnix, hingsingg, cutsir, gnoxunr ee henxhen, qapp did diyc lairgua lak qinx-mngg. Jiongww bikiu! Jex dyrr hy jyr snix.   

(Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta - 53) 
And what, bhikkhus, is birth? The birth, the being born, the origination, the conception, the springing into existence, the manifestation of the aggregates, and the acquisition of the sense-bases of beings in this or that class of beings — this, bhikkhus, is called birth. 

(四念住經 - 53)  

