
Sir Liamrju Qingx (54)

Qycjaiww qongw, jiongww bikiu! Sniaxmic si lau? Dirr itcer ee singlingg lairdew, soxu jiongwsingx ee sueziok dyrr si nilyw, lag cuiwkiw, vec taujangx, puehux u ziauhunn, siurmia zidzit qiamw, qapp soxu ee qinx-mngg sueter. Jiongww bikiu! Jex dyrr hy jyr lau. 

(Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta - 54) 
And what, bhikkhus, is ageing? It is the ageing, the getting frail, the loss of teeth, the greying of hair, the wrinkling of skin; the failing of the vital force, the wearing out of the sense faculties of beings in this or that class of beings — this, bhikkhus, is called ageing. 

(四念住經 - 54) 

