
Sir Liamrju Qingx (101)

Jiongww bikiu! Zimrhyy langg dirr cid nii diongqanx jiauww jitt kuanw laii siulen jitt sir hxang liamrju :ee, tangx did diyc nng xee qongqyw qidiongx jit xee: dirr henrsii did diyc qiuwqingr ee dua diwhui; (gnoxunr) u cunx :ee, tangx did diyc byy dywdngw ee qongqyw.

(Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta - 101) 
Indeed, bhikkhus, whosoever practises these four satipaññhànas in this manner for seven years, one of two results is to be expected in him: Arahatship in this very existence, or if there yet be any trace of clinging, the state of an Anàgàmã. 

(四念住經 - 101)   

