Jiongww bikiu! Benw qongw dirr cid nii diongqanx, lak nii diongqanx, go nii diongqanx, sir nii diongqanx, snax nii diongqanx, nng nii diongqanx, jit nii diongqanx, zimrhyy langg dirr cid qywguec jiauww jitt kuanw laii siulen jitt sir hxang liamrju :ee, dyrr tangx did diyc nng xee qongqyw qidiongx jit xee: dirr henrsii did diyc qiuwqingr ee dua diwhui; (gnoxunr) u cunx :ee, tangx did diyc byy dywdngw ee qongqyw.
(Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta - 102)
Let alone seven years, bhikkhus, whosoever practises these
four satipaññhànas in this manner for six years, five years,
four years, three years, two years, or one year. Let alone one year, bhikkhus, whosoever practises these
four satipaññhànas in this manner for seven months, one of
two results is to be expected in him: Arahatship in this very
existence, or if there yet be any trace of clinging, the state of
an Anàgàmã.
(四念住經 - 102)