Hitt xee sijun, Vuddyy qra Derjong Posad qongw, "Jitt
xee Mia Jruw dua Quixongg ixx qinglik quer vah vaiw cingx vaiw cutsir jyr dua
quixongg, dirr snix qapp siw diongqanx iongxho jiongwsingx. In'ui jitt xui dairsu u huad juvix ee guan, ix henrcud dua qxuiw ee srinx, sidjai m si qxuiw. Au .laii qingquer jit-vah cid-jap qiab, ix qaidongx jniaa jyr vut, hy jyr Byy Siongr Zulaii, qiab-miaa qiyr jyr Anlok, sewqair ee miaa qiyr jyr Cingjing Kiarcur. Jitt xui vut siurmia dngg qaxx byy huatdo
qewsngr ee qiab. Derjong! Jitt xee dua quixongg, ix ee dairjir si hiacnirr
vutsugi, soxx dro ee langg qapp tenzinn iarr vutkyw hanrliong."
(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)
(Praises of King Yama and His Followers
that time the Buddha told Earth Store Bodhisattva, "This great Ghost King
Lord of Life has already passed through hundreds of thousands of lives as a
ghost king, protecting beings during both birth and death. Only because of this
Great Being's compassionate vows does he appear in the body of a ghost, for in
reality he is not a ghost. After one hundred seventy eons have passed, he will
become a Buddha named No Appearance Thus Come One. His eon will be called
Happiness, and his world will be named Pure Dwelling. That Buddha's lifespan
will be incalculable eons. Earth Store, the circumstances surrounding this
great ghost king are thus. They are inconceivable, and the people and gods whom
he takes across are countless."
(閻羅王眾讚歎品 - 16)