Qycc u, Quansewimx. Dirr birlaii qapp
henrjai ee jerje sewqair lairdew, liogdy jiongwsingx limjiongx ee sii narr tangx
tniax diyc Derjong Posad ee miaa, dandanx jit sniax tniax zip hnirkangx, jiaxee
jiongwsingx ingxuanw be qinglik sxamx og dy ee kow. Hyhongr limjiongx ee sii, ix
ee verbuw qapp quanwsiok jiong' jitt xee siursor liauxqed ee langg ee cuwtec, jaibut,
dinvyw, qapp ihok tec kir diaukig iacc rue Derjong ee hingsiong. Higjiaw vnirlangg bue siw jinwjingg, bak knuar .diyc, hni tniax .diyc, jai'ngiaw quanwsiok jiong'
cuwtec qapp dinvyw dingxdingw uirr ix tec kir diaukig iacc rue Derjong Posad ee hingsiong. Jitt xee langg narr giabvyr habqaix sriu dang vni :ee, singsiu jiaxee qongdig, vni liammisii hyw .kir, siurguann jingqax. Jitt xee langg ee giabvyr narr mia qaix jin, ingqaix
u jerje juerjiongr qapp giabjiongr habqaix duirlyc og dy, singsiu jiaxee qongdig,
siursor liauxqed ixau, dyrr cutsir jyr langg iacc tenzinn, singsiu busiong
bibiau ee kuaiwlok, itcer juerjiongr longxx tangx siaubet.
(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)
(Benefits Derived from Seeing and Hearing - 6)
Moreover, Contemplator of the World's Sounds, in the worlds in the present
and future, when beings in the Six Paths are on the verge of death, if they can
hear the name of Earth Store Bodhisattva, even the sound of it passing through
their ears only once, such beings will never have to endure the sufferings of
the Three Evil Paths again. How much more will that be the case if the parents
and other relatives use the houses, wealth, property, jewels, and clothing of
such people who are on the verge of death to commission the carving or painting
of images of Earth Store Bodhisattva. If those sick people have not yet died,
their relatives can try to help them see, hear, and understand that their
houses, jewels, and so forth have been used for the carving or painting of
images of Earth Store Bodhisattva. If those people's karmic retributions were
such that they should have to undergo severe sickness, then with such merit
they can quickly be cured and their lifespans prolonged. If those people's
retributions send them to the evil destinies at death due to their karma and
obstacles, then with such merit they can, when their lives end, be born among
people or gods and there enjoy extremely wonderful bliss. All their obstacles
due to offenses will dissolve.
(見聞利益品 - 6)