
Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Jap-zi-8)

Jitt xee langg narr erdangr dirr snax lexvair lairdew itsimx jiambong Derjong ee hingsiong, qra qnialew, liam ix ee miaa muaw jit-bxan vxenr, ix tangx did diyc posad henrcud buvenx srinx, c.-cingcyw-c. qra jitt xee langg qongw quanwsiok qycc cutsir dirr dycc jitt xee sewqair. Iacc si dirr bang-diongx, posad henrcud dua sinlat, cinsinx cua jitt xee langg kir jerje sewqair qnir jerje quanwsiok. Narr qycc erdangr muixx zit liam posad ee miaa jit-cingx vxenr, qaur qaxx jit-cingx zit, jitt xee langg tangx did diyc posad pair soxx kiarkiw ee toxde ee quixsinn qui' siwlangg qra horue, jitt siwlangg jiahcing liongrsing, qycc byy jiongxjiongw vnertniar, simrjiww pnaiw dai byy zip ix ee mngag, hyhongr qin ix ee srinx. Jitt xee langg itbuew tangx did diyc posad syx ix taukag qycc qra jyr qiwzin. 

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)        
(Benefits Derived from Seeing and Hearing - 8)  
If such people are able to behold and worship images of Earth Store Bodhisattva single-mindedly during three weeks, reciting his name a full ten thousand times, the Bodhisattva may then manifest a boundless body and describe to those people the realms into which their relatives have been born. Or in their dreams the Bodhisattva may manifest great spiritual power and personally lead them to those worlds to see their relatives. If they can further recite the Bodhisattva's name one thousand times a day every day for one thousand days, the Bodhisattva will send the ghosts and earth spirits in the vicinity of such people to guard and protect them for their entire lives. In this world their clothing and food will be abundant and they will have no suffering from sickness or other causes. No accidents will occur in their households, much less affect them personally. Finally, the Bodhisattva will rub the crowns of their heads and bestow predictions upon them. 

(見聞利益品 - 8)  
是人更能三七日中,一心瞻禮地藏形像,念其名字,滿於萬遍。當得菩薩現無邊身,具告是人,眷屬生界。或於夢中,菩薩現大神力,親領是人,於諸世界,見諸眷屬。更能每日念菩薩名千遍,至於千日。 是人當得菩薩遣所在土地鬼神,終身衛護,現世衣食豐溢,無諸疾苦。乃至橫事不入其門,何況及身。是人畢竟得菩薩摩頂授記。

