
Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Jap-snax-4)

Derjong! Guaw dnaxx unkunn qra tenzinn qapp langg jiaxee jiongwsingx qautog hro liw. Dirr birlaii sxer narr u tnidingw qapp zinqanx ee senrlamjuw iacc senrluxzinn dirr vudhuad lairdew jingr hunlii aw senrqinx, cincniu jit qix taumngg, jit diamw din'aix, jit liap suax, iacc jit dih juiw hiacc ser hiacc jiyw, liw diyhh iong jniawdy ee lat iongwho jitt hy langg, hro inx jiamrjiam siulen busiong ee dy, m tangx hro dywter iacc besid .kir.   

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)        
(The Entrustment of People and Gods - 4)    
Earth Store, I now earnestly entrust the multitudes of gods and people to you. If in the future among gods and people there are good men or good women who plant a few good roots in the Buddhadharma, be they as few as a strand of hair, a mote of dust, a grain of sand, or a drop of water, then you should use your powers in the Way to protect them so that they gradually cultivate the Unsurpassed Way and do not get lost or retreat from it.   

(囑累人天品 - 4)   

