
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-2-4)

4. Magadha
Tnisinn ee qniaw Magadha dirr vnix:a kia ee sii, hiongr Sewjunx cniur jimgensix, qongxx:

"Sewqanx u zuarr je jiongw qngx,
Decc venww jyr jitt sewqanx?
Guanw jiaxee mng Sewjunx,
Rair anwjnuaw laii jaix dai?"

"Sewqanx u sir jiongw qngx,
Jiax byy derr go jiongw qngx.
Zit .sii taiwiongg qonghuix,
Amwsii guehqngx jiyr.
Huew dirr zid'ia,
Jit siwqer venww jiyr.
Jniawqag si siongrdingw huew,
Jitt hxang si busiong ee qngx."

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-2-4)
4. Magadha
Standing to one side, Mågadha, the son of the devas, addressed the Blessed One in verse:

“How many sources of light are in the world
By means of which the world is illumined?
We’ve come to ask the Blessed One this:
How are we to understand it?”

“There are four sources of light in the world;
A fifth one is not found here.
The sun shines by day,
The moon glows at night,
And fire flares up here and there
Both by day and at night.
But the Buddha is the best of things that shine:
This is the radiance unsurpassed.”

(相應部 1-2-4)
世有幾多光   徧照此世間
我等問世尊   如何得知此
世有四種光   此無第五光
晝乃太陽輝   夜乃月光照
時火於日夜   彼此相徧照
正覺最勝火   此為無上光

