Siong'ingr Vxo (1-2-15)
15. Candana
Kia dirr vnix:a tnisinn ee qniaw Candana hiongr Sewjunx cniur jimgensix qongxx:
"Zid'ia byy iawlanw,
Byy jit xui kax kia ee qicow,
Iarr byy tangx hnua ee soxjai,
Jnuaxngiau tangx dro quer dua juiw?
Sniaw langg be dimlunn?"
"Jit xee suwsiongg cisiuw qaiwlut,
U diwhui u sxen qycc jingrsimx,
Jingjinr byy kuthok :ee,
Tangx dro quer lanquanx dro quer dua juiw.
Qapp iogsiongw li hng hng,
Ciauuat siksinx ee kunxvak,
Air tamx itjin :ee,
Jitt kuanw langg be dimlunn."
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-2-15)
15. Candana
Standing to one side, Candana, son of the devas, addressed the Blessed One in verse:
“Who here crosses over the flood,
Unwearying by day and night?
Who does not sink in the deep,
Without support, without a hold?”
“One always perfect in virtue,
Endowed with wisdom, well concentrated,
One energetic and resolute
Crosses the flood so hard to cross.
One who desists from sensual perception,
Who has overcome the fetter of form,
Who has destroyed delight in becoming—
He does not sink in the deep.”
(相應部 1-2-15)
日夜不惰怠 無有立足基
亦無攀著處 以何超瀑流
常於戒具足 智慧善靜心
精進不撓人 渡難超瀑流
遠離於欲想 越色之繫縛
已盡喜貪人 是為不深沈
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
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