Siong'ingr Vxo (1-2-22)
22. Khema
Kia dirr vnix:a tnisinn ee qniaw Khema dirr Sewjunx binrjingg cniur jitt siuw jimgensix, qongxx:
"Guduu :ee byy diwhui,
Inx ee hing'uii kyxviw jurqiw si qaqi ee digzinn.
Inx juer jiongxjiongw ee og giap,
Laii qed tongwkow ee quexjiw.
Byy juer senrgiap :ee,
Quibuew uirr soxx juer laii koxnauw.
Kauwcan lxui limlimm,
Laii sriu koxqyw.
Narr juer senrgiap,
Juer liauw byy koxnauw.
Hnuahiw simqnuax kuaiwlok,
Laii sriu kuaiwlok ee quexjiw.
Jaix qaqi soxx rair juer,
U diwhui :ee qapp henjiaw,
Iuxsow hing'uii laii juer junxvi.
Jitt kuanw be cincniu
Hitt hy tuax ciax :ee sukyw hongsig,
U kinbenw jingjinr.
Kyxviw tuax ciax :ee,
Lirkuix vnitnaw dua dy,
Qniaa kir byy vnii ee lo,
Ciasimx dng .kir suacc laii dimsux.
Anxnex byy jinwjingg hiongr hxuad,
Si qniaa duiww byy hxuad ee enqor.
Vindnua :ee qaur sixmoo ee cuir,
Kyxviw ciasimx dng .kir suacc decc dimsux."
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-2-22)
22. Khema
Standing to one side, Khema, son of the devas, recited these verses in the presence of the Blessed One:
“Foolish people devoid of wisdom
Behave like enemies towards themselves.
They go about doing evil deeds
Which in the end yield bitter fruit.
That deed is not well performed
Which, having been done, is then repented,
The result of which one experiences
Weeping with a tearful face.
But that deed is well performed
Which, having been done, is not repented,
The result of which one experiences
Joyfully with a happy mind.”
“One should promptly do the deed
One knows leads to one’s own welfare;
The thinker, the wise one, should not advance
With the reflections of the carter.
As the carter who left the highway,
A road with an even surface,
Broods mournfully with a broken axle,
Having entered upon a rugged bypath;
So the fool, having left the Dhamma
To follow an unrighteous course,
Broods like the carter with a broken axle
When he falls into the mouth of Death.”
(相應部 1-2-22)
魯鈍無智慧 行為如自敵
以作諸惡業 以結苦痛果
不行其善業 終為而苦惱
咽鳴淚哭泣 以受其苦果
若行其善業 行訖無苦惱
歡喜心意樂 以受其樂果
為於自己知 智者及賢者
而作行準備 如是不若彼
車力者之思 勇猛精進之
宛如車力者 離於平大道
入於不平路 毀軸如沈思
如是法不進 從於不法故
怠者到魔口 如毀軸沈思
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
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