"Ananda! Sewqanx itcer siusimx ee langg, byy siulen Dhyana, be u diwhui. Mrqycc inx jipsiuw sintew byy qniaa imiok, bylun decc qniaa iacc jre lehh, longxx byy iogliam. Inx ee su'iok be sanxsingx, dyrr be lauu dirr iogqair. Jiaxee langg ingwliam e juer jinglu. Cincniu jitt lui :ee qiyr juer Brahma Tnix.
Iogliam ee sibkir qaxx byy .kir .ar, li iok ee simx henxhen, duiww jiongxjiongw ludgii longxx hnuahiw suisun. Jiaxee langg ingwsii e qniaa Brahma ee dikhing. Cincniu jitt lui :ee qiyr juer Hxur Brahma Tnix.
Srinx qapp simx bibiau qycc uantongx, uigii byy kiamr, inx cingjing siuw qaiwlut, qycc u bingsimx liauxgo. Jiaxee langg ingwsii e tongxlingw Brahma ee dairjiongr, juer Dua Brahm Ongg. Cincniu jitt lui :ee qiyr juer Dua Brahma Tnix.
Ananda! Jitt snax jiongw siongrliuu, itcer koxnauw berdangr qra inx apvig. Suizenn m si jniar siulen jniar samadhi, inx ee simdiongx cingjing, soxu huanlyw be dinxdang. Jex qiyr juer Co’ Senn.
Ananda! Qycc laii si Brahma Tnix tongxlingw Brahma ee tenzinn, u Brahma ee dikhing. Inx ee simx dingcingx byy drang, jigjing snix cud qngx. Cincniu jitt lui :ee qiyr juer Siyw Qngx Tnix.
Qonghuix siy' jiywqngx, qong’iau buvenx, jiyr sibhongx sewqair, venwvenr jniaa juer liulii. Cincniu jit lui :ee qiyr juer Buliong Qngx Tnix.
Kipsiux uanbuanw ee qngx singjiu qauwgi, huar jyr cingjing tangx buqiongjin ingwiong. Cincniu jitt lui :ee qiyr juer Qngx-Imx Tnix.
Ananda! Jitt snax jiongw siongrliuu, itcer iuciuu qapp uanlyw berdangr qra inx apvig. Suizenn m si jniar siulen jniar samadhi, inx ee simdiongx cingjing, cox ee huanlyw ixx hanghok. Jex qiyr juer Zi Senn.
Ananda! Jiaxee tenzinn, uanbuanw ee qngx jniaa juer snia'imx, tauwquer snia'imx lorhen cud bibiau, siuhing qyckacc jinglen, tongdat jibbet ee kuaiwlok. Cincniu jitt lui :ee qiyr juer Siyw Cingjing Tnix.
Cingjing ee hukongx henxhen, inxdy qaur buvenx, inx ee srinx qapp simx kinsangx anhyy, singjiu jibbet ee kuaiwlok. Cincniu jitt lui :ee qiyr juer Buliong Cingjing Tnix.
Sewqair qapp srinx-simx itcer uantongx cingjing, cingjing ee dikhing siujiu, singwqingw henxhen, inx huequix jibbet ee kuaiwlok. Cincniu jitt lui :ee qiyr juer Venww Cingjing Tnix.
Ananda! Jitt snax jiongw siongrliuu, u dua suisun ee simx, srinx qapp simx longxx an'unw, did diyc buliong ee kuaiwlok. Suizenn m si jinjniar did diyc jniar samadhi, inx ee simdiongx an'unw, hnuahiw muaw muaw. Jex qiyr juer Sxamx Senn.
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 9-1)
"Ananda, all those in the world who cultivate their hearts but do not avail themselves of Dhyana and so have no wisdom, can only control their bodies so as to not engage in sexual desire. Whether walking or sitting, or in their thoughts, they are totally devoid of it. Since they do not give rise to defiling love, they do not remain in the realm of desire. These people, in response to their thought, take on the bodies of Brahma beings. Such beings are in the Heaven of the Multitudes of Brahma."
"In those whose hearts of desire have already been cast aside, the mind apart from desire manifests. They delight in following the precepts. Practicing Brahma virtue at all times, such beings are in the Heaven of the Ministers of Brahma."
"Those whose bodies and minds are wonderfully perfect, and whose majestic deportment is not in the least deficient, are pure in the precepts and have a thorough understanding of them as well. Governing the Brahma multitudes as Great Brahma Lords, such beings are in the Great Brahma Heaven."
"Ananda, those who flow to these three superior levels will not be oppressed by any affliction. Although they have not developed proper Samadhi, their minds are pure to the point that all outflows are stilled. This is called the First Dhyana."
"Ananda, those beyond the Brahma Heavens govern the Brahma beings, for their Brahma conduct is perfected. With their minds tranquil and unmoving, they emit light in profound stillness. Such beings are in the Heaven of Lesser Light."
"Those whose lights illumine each other in an endless dazzling blaze shine throughout the realms of the ten directions so that everything becomes like crystal. Such beings are in the Heaven of Limitless Light."
"Those who sustain the light to perfection accomplish the substance of the teaching. Creating and transforming the purity into endless responses and functions, such beings are in the Light-Sound Heaven."
"Ananda, those who flow to these three superior levels will not be oppressed by worries or vexations. Although they have not developed proper Samadhi, their minds are pure to the point that they have subdued their coarser outflows. This is called the Second Dhyana."
"Ananda, heavenly beings for whom the perfection of light has become sound and who further open out the sound to disclose its wonder arrive at a more vigorous level of practice. Arriving at the bliss of still extinction, such beings are in the Heaven of Lesser Purity."
"Those in whom the state of purity is emptied experience the boundlessness of light ease in their bodies and minds, and they accomplish the bliss of still extinction. Such beings are in the Heaven of Limitless Purity."
"Those for whom the world, the body, and the mind are all perfectly pure have accomplished the virtue of purity, and they consider this to be a superior abode in which they can return to the bliss of still extinction. Such beings are in the Heaven of Pervasive Purity."
"Ananda, those who flow to these three superior levels will be replete with great compliance. Their bodies and minds are at peace, and they obtain limitless bliss. Although they have not obtained genuine Samadhi, the joy within the tranquility of their minds is total. This is called the Third Dhyana."