"Qycc u, Ananda! U langg byy jiauww Jniar Qakdix siuhing samadhi, suacc ixx bongrsiongw decc siulen, jun'ir beh qowsiuw hingtew. Inx kir langg be qniakaqaur ee sanlimm iulik iacc unxdun, u jap jiongw senx.
Ananda! Hiaxee jiongwsingx qencii jiac qor sintew :ee laii siulen longxx byy dngrjam, jiahsit ee dy uanbuanw, qiyr juer qniaa-de senzinn.
Qencii iong iyhcauw laii siulen longxx byy dngrjam, iyc-dy uanbuanw, qiyr juer huihingg senzinn.
Qencii iong qimdanx laii siulen longxx byy dngrjam, juanxhuar ee dy uanbuanw, qiyr juer qnia'iuu senzinn.
Qencii iong len qinqud laii siulen longxx byy dngrjam, jingkir uanbuanw, qiyr juer qniaa-kongdiongx senzinn.
Qencii tunx cuiwnua laii siulen longxx byy dngrjam, ju'iongw uanbuanw, qiyr juer qniaa-tnix senzinn.
Qencii suh zidguat-jinghuaa laii siulen longxx byy dngrjam, kipsiux uanbuanw, qiyr juer tonghingg senzinn.
Qencii iong jiuwgiw qapp qaiwlut laii siulen longxx byy dngrjam, dyrsut uanbuanw, qiyr juer dyrhingg senzinn.
Qencii iong quansniu qapp simx liam laii siulen longxx byy dngrjam, susniu qapp qiwdii uanbuanw, qiyr juer jiywqngx senzinn.
Qencii iong qauhap laii siulen longxx byy dngrjam, qamxingr uanbuanw, qiyr juer jingx senzinn.
Qencii iong venwhuar laii siulen longxx byy dngrjam, qakgo uanbuanw, qiyr juer juaddingw senzinn.
Ananda! Jiaxee langg longxx dna' len simx, byy siulen Jniar Qakdix. Inx u did diyc dngg huewsiu ee honghuad, siursor cingban huer. Inx dirr cimx snuax iacc dua haixdyw jiaxee byy langg qniakaqaur ee soxjai unxdun. Inx iuguann dirr lunhuee ee bongrsiongw decc liujuanw. Byy siulen samadhi, qyxvyr liauxqed inx e qycc laii, snruar zip kir liogdy.
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 8-15)
"Furthermore, Ananda, there are people who do not rely on Proper Enlightenment to cultivate Samadhi, but cultivate in some special way that is based on their false thinking. Holding to the idea of perpetuating their physical bodies, they roam in the mountains and forests in places people do not go and become Ten Kinds of Immortals."
"Ananda, some living beings with unflagging resolution make themselves strong with specially prepared foods. When they have perfected this method of dieting, they are known as earth-traveling immortals."
"Some of these beings with unflagging resolution make themselves strong through the use of grasses and herbs. When they have perfected this method of taking herbs, they are known as flying immortals."
"Some of these beings with unflagging resolution make themselves strong through the use of metal and stone. When they have perfected this method of transformation, they are known as roaming immortals."
"Some of these beings with unflagging resolution make themselves strong through movement and stillness. When they have perfected their energy and essence, they are known as space-traveling immortals."
"Some of these beings with unflagging resolution make themselves strong by using the flow of saliva. When they have perfected the virtues of this moisture, they are known as heaven-traveling immortals."
"Some of these beings with unflagging resolution make themselves strong with the essence of sun and moon. When they have perfected the inhalation of this essence, they are known as all-penetrating immortals."
"Some of these beings with unflagging resolution make themselves strong through mantras and precepts. When they have perfected these skills, they are known as immortals of the Way."
"Some of these beings with unflagging resolution make themselves strong through the use of thought processes. When they have perfected thought and memory, they are known as illuminating immortals"
"Some of these beings with unflagging resolution make themselves strong through internal union. When they have perfected the response, they are known as immortals of essence."
"Some of these beings with unflagging resolution make themselves strong through transformations. When they have perfected their awakening, they are known as immortals of the ultimate level."
"Ananda, these are all people who smelt their minds but do not cultivate Proper Enlightenment. They obtain some special principle of life and can live for thousands or tens of thousands of years. They retire deep into the mountains or onto islands in the sea and cut themselves off from the human realm. However, they are still part of the turning wheel, because they flow and turn according to their false thinking and do not cultivate Samadhi. When their reward is finished, they must still return and enter the various destinies."