
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (snax-1)


Derr Zi Qngw

Derr Snax Pinw: Piwzu

Hitt sijun, Sariputra hnuahiw qaxx be qor .did, jiksii vreh kiw, habjiongw giongxbong jungann, duiww Vuddyy qongw, “Qimzit an’ Sewjunx jiax tniax diyc jitt xee Hxuad, simlai hnuahiw, hunwiongw, did diyc ixjaw m bad duw .diyc .ee. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Guaw sikzit an’ vut tniax jitt hy Hxuad, qnir diyc jerje posad virr juer qiwzin e juer vut, guanw jiaxee byy hxun, srid kir Zulaii buliong diqenr, jiokk qamxsiongx. Sewjunx! Guaw dniardnia qaqi dirr snuanaa ee ciu-kax dandok diamr lehh, bylun jre lehh iacc decc qniaa ee sii, dniardnia anxnex sniu, 'Guanw jiaxee qangg sijun zip huatsingr, si anwjnuaw Zulaii iong siyxsingg ee Hxuad laii jewdo?' Jex si guanw ee m driyc, m si Sewjunx ee m driyc. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Narr guanw jiaxee u danxtai liw enxsuad inhyy singjiu anuttara-samyaksambodhi, vitdnia e ixx Dairsing did diyc dortuad. Mrqycc guanw jiaxee byy liauxqaiw liw iong hongven hxuad, suisun jiongsingx juer diaujingw decc qangxsuad. Cocox tniax diyc vudhuad, guanw dyrr siongsinr, jiapsiu, cimx srux, cruw diyc henrjingr. Sewjunx! Guaw an’ ingxsii dyrr z.-zid'ia-i. muixmuiw jikvi qaqi. Jitmaw an’ vut tniax diyc ixjaw m bad tniax .quer .ee, dng jiongxjiongw gihik qapp hiyrhuew, srinx qapp simx taiwzenn, an’unw. Qimzit jiacc jaix qaqi jinjniar si vut ee derjuw, an’ vut ee cuir dingg cutsir, an’ Hxuad huawsingx, tangx vunx diyc vudhuad.”

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter III A Parable 1)

Thereupon Śāriputra stood up ecstatic and joyful, pressed his palms together and, gazing at the Buddha, the Bhagavat, said: “Now, hearing the words of this Dharma from the Bhagavat, my heart is full of joy for I have experienced something unprecedented. What is the reason for this? In the past when I heard this Dharma from the Buddha and saw the bodhisattvas receive their predictions, I was not included. I grieved because I thought I had been deprived of the immeasurable wisdom and insight of the Tathāgata. “O Bhagavat! While I was dwelling alone under forest trees, whether sitting or walking, I was constantly thinking this: ‘Since we have also realized the true nature of the Dharma, why has the Tathāgata tried to save us with the teachings of the inferior vehicle?’ “The fault is ours, not the Bhagavat’s. Why is this? If we had waited for your explanation about the way to achieve highest, complete enlightenment, we certainly would have been able to save ourselves by means of the Mahayana. However, we did not understand that you were teaching with skillful means, according to what is appropriate to us. When we first heard the Buddha’s teaching, we immediately accepted, contemplated, and understood it. “O Bhagavat! Since long ago I have reproached myself incessantly day and night. But now from the Buddha we have heard the unprecedented Dharma that we have never heard before, and it has removed all our doubts. “I have obtained peace and tranquility in body and mind. Today I have finally realized that I am truly the heir of the Buddha, born from the mouth of the Buddha, incarnated from the Dharma, and that I have inherited a part of the Buddha-Dharma.” 

(妙法蓮華經第三品 譬喻之1)  

爾時舍利弗踊躍歡喜。即起合掌瞻仰尊顏。而白佛言。今從世尊聞此法音。心懷勇躍得未曾有。所以者何。我昔從佛聞如是法。見諸菩薩授記作佛。而我等不豫斯事。甚自感傷。失於如來無量知見。世尊。我常獨處山林樹下。若坐若行。每作是念。我等同入法性。云何如來以小乘法而見濟度。是我等咎非世尊也。所以者何。若我等待說所因成就阿耨多羅三藐三菩提者。必以大乘而得度脫。然我等不解方便隨宜所說。初聞佛法遇便信受思惟取證。世尊。我從昔來終日竟夜每自剋責。而今從佛聞所未聞未曾有法。斷諸疑悔。身意泰然快得安隱。 今日乃知真是佛子。從佛口生從法化生。得佛法分。

