Hitt sijun, Vuddyy qra Sariputra qongw, “Guaw jitmaw dirr tenzinn, langg, sabunn qapp brahma dingxdingw jiaxee dairjiongr lairdew enxsuad. Guaw ingxsii bad dirr nng-bxan-ig xee vut ee soxjai, uirdiyhh busiong ee dy dniardnia qauwhuar liw. Liw iarr quxdngg duer guaw decc hagsip. Guaw iong hongven hxuad inxdy liw, soxiw liw cutsir dirr guaw ee Hxuad lairdew. Sariputra! Guaw sikzit dyrr qar liw libjir duiqiuu vuddy. Liw dnaxx be qir did liauw liauw, qycc liahjunw qaqi ixx did diyc beddo. Guaw qimzit beh qycc hro liw sniu kiw vunxguan soxx qniaa ee dy, soxiw uirr jiongww sniabunn enxsuad jitt vxo Dairsing ee qingdenw, qiyr juer Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx, si qar posad ee hxuad, virr vut soxx horliam. Sariputra! Liw dirr birlaii sxer, qingquer buliong buvenx vutkyw-sugi ee qiab, qiong’iongw jerje cenbanrig vut, junhong siurcii Jniar Hxuad, posad soxx qniaa ee dy u qniaa jiauvi, qaidongx dyrr e juer vut, qiyr juer Huex-Qngx Zulaii, Ingqaix Qiong'iongw, Jniar Venww Qakdix, Diwhui qapp Dikhing Uanbuanw, Sxen Quewongw, Liauxqaiw Sewqanx, Busiong Sru, Diauhyy Diongrhux, Tenzinn qapp Langg ee Suhu, Vut, Sewjunx. Qokmiaa qiyr juer Li Uwuer, toxde vnijniar, cingjing, jonggiamm, an’unw, hongsing, kuaiwlok, tenzinn qapp langg hing'ong. Iong liulii juer de, u veh diauu qaujiab ee lo, ngqimx ee jinsyh juer qaiwsnuar, vnix:a qokk u cid vyw ciu jit jua jit jua, dniardnia e kuix huex qed quexjiw. Huex-qngx Zulaii iarr ixx Samsingg qauwhuar jiongwsingx. Sariputra! Hitt xui vut cutsir ee sii suizenn m si og sxer, ixx vunxguan soxiw sueh Samsingg ee Hxuad, qiab ee miaa si Dua Vyw Jonggiamm. Sniaw enqor qiyr juer Dua Vyw Jonggiamm? In'ui hitt xee qog lairdew, posad si siongrr dua ee vyw. Hiaxee jiongww posad ee sowliong si buliong, buvenx, vutkyw-sugi hiacc je, sngr be liauw, byy huatdo iong piwzu qongw, narr byy vut ee diwlik byy huatdo jaix. Narr beh qnialo ee sii, u vyw-huex decc singsiu inx ee kax. Jiaxee jiongww posad m si co’ huatsimx, longxx si quxdngg jingr hokdig ee vunw, dirr buliong vaccingbanrig xui vut ee soxjai siulen cingjing ee dua dikhing, itdit virr jiongww vut soxx cing'iongg qapp janwtanr. Inx dniardnia siulen vut ee diwhui, u dua sintongx, liauxqaiw itcer huatmngg, vunxsingr jingwdit byy qew, iwjir qapp simliam longxx qending. Jitt hy posad dirr hitt xee qog muaw muaw si. Sariputra! Huex-Qngx Vut ee siurmia si jap-zi siyw qiab. Druu kir ix juer ongjuw iauxx bue juer vut ee sii, hitt qog ee zinbinn siurmia si veh siyw qiab. Huex-qngx Zulaii qingquer jap-zi siyw qiab, e uirr Dhrtiparipurna Posad juer did diyc anuttara-samyaksambodhi ee qiwzin, qycc qra jiongww bikiu qongw, 'Jitt xee Dhrtiparipurna Posad e dirr guaw aurviah jiapsuar juer vut, qiyr juer Padmavrsabhavikrama anuttara-samyaksambodhi Vuddyy. Hitt xui vut ee qoktow iarr ham' guaw ee qangrkuanw.' Sariputra! Jitt xee Huex-Qngx Vut beddo liauxau, Jniar Hxuad diamr dirr sewqanx snax-jap-zi siyw qiab, Cniu Hxuad diamr dirr sewqanx iarr snax-jap-zi siyw qiab.”
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter III A Parable 3)
At that time the Buddha said to Śāriputra: “I will now reveal to you before the great assembly of devas, humans, śrāmaṇas, and brahmans that in the past, in the presence of two hundred thousand koṭis of buddhas, I led and inspired you constantly for the sake of the highest path. You have followed my instructions for a long time. Because I led you with skillful means, you were born in my Dharma. “O Śāriputra! In the past I inspired you to seek the buddha path. Yet just now you had completely forgotten this and considered yourself to have attained nirvana. Now, because I want you to remember the path that you practiced according to your original vow in the past, I will teach the śrāvakas the Mahayana sutra called the Lotus Sutra, the instruction for the bodhisattvas and treasured lore of the buddhas.’ “O Śāriputra! In the future after immeasurable, limitless, and inconceivable kalpas, you will have paid homage to thousands of myriads of koṭis of buddhas, preserved the True Dharma, and mastered the path practiced by the bodhisattvas. You will become a buddha called Padmaprabha, a Tathāgata, Arhat, Completely Enlightened, Perfect in Knowledge and Conduct, Well-Departed, Knower of the World, Unsurpassed, Tamer of Humans, Teacher of Devas and Humans, Buddha, Bhagavat. “Your land will be called Viraja. Its earth will be level and pure, ornamented, peaceful, and rich. The devas and humans will prosper. The earth will be made of lapis lazuli with a well-planned network of roads like a chessboard bordered with golden cords. Rows of seven-jeweled trees, which are always full of flowers and fruits, will line the borders of these roads. The Tathāgata Padmaprabha will also lead and inspire sentient beings by means of the three vehicles. “O Śāriputra! When that buddha appears, even though his will not be a troubled world, he will teach the three vehicles because of his original vow. This kalpa will be called Mahāratnapratimaṇḍita, meaning ‘Adorned with Great Jewels.’ Why will it be called Mahāratnapratimaṇḍita? Because in that world the bodhisattvas will be like great jewels. The number of these bodhisattvas will be immeasurable, limitless, inconceivable, and beyond all comparison, known only by those with the power of the Buddha’s wisdom. “When they want to walk they will step on jeweled flowers. And these bodhisattvas will not be those who are just setting out. Over a long time they will have planted roots of good merit and practiced the pure path of discipline and integrity in the presence of immeasurable hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of buddhas. They will always be praised by the buddhas and continually practice the buddha wisdom. They will be endowed with transcendent powers and know well all the teachings of the Dharma. They will be honest, without falsity, and firm in recollection. That world will be filled with bodhisattvas like these. “O Śāriputra! The lifespan of this buddha Padmaprabha will be twelve intermediate kalpas, not including the period after he becomes a prince and before he becomes a buddha; and the lifespan of the people in that world will be eight intermediate kalpas. “After these twelve intermediate kalpas have passed, the Tathāgata Padmaprabha will predict Bodhisattva Dhṛtiparipūrṇa’s attainment of highest, complete enlightenment and will address the monks, saying: This Bodhisattva Dhṛtiparipūrṇa will become the next buddha after me. His name will be Padmavṛṣabhavikrama, a Tathāgata, Arhat, Completely Enlightened. His buddha world will also be like this one. “O Śāriputra! After the parinirvāṇa of the Buddha Padmaprabha the True Dharma will remain in the world for thirty-two intermediate kalpas and the Semblance Dharma will also remain in the world for thirty-two intermediate kalpas.”
(妙法蓮華經第三品 譬喻之3)
爾時佛告舍利弗。吾今於天人沙門婆羅門等大眾中說。我昔曾於二萬億佛所。為無上道故常教化汝。汝亦長夜隨我受學。我以方便引導汝故生我法中。舍利弗。我昔教汝志願佛道。汝今悉忘。而便自謂已得滅度。我今還欲令汝憶念本願所行道故。為諸聲聞說是大乘經。名妙法蓮華教菩薩法佛所護念。舍利弗。汝於未來世過無量無邊不可思議劫。供養若干千萬億佛。奉持正法。具足菩薩所行之道。當得作佛。號曰華光如來應供正遍知明行足善逝世間解無上士調御丈夫天人師佛世尊。 國名離垢。其土平正清淨嚴飾。安隱豐樂天人熾盛。琉璃為地有八交道。黃金為繩以界其側。其傍各有七寶行樹。常有華菓。華光如來亦以三乘教化眾生。舍利弗。彼佛出時雖非惡世。以本願故說三乘法。其劫名大寶莊嚴。何故名曰大寶莊嚴。其國中以菩薩為大寶故。彼諸菩薩無量無邊不可思議。算數譬喻所不能及。非佛智力無能知者。若欲行時寶華承足。此諸菩薩非初發意。皆久殖德本。於無量百千萬億佛所淨修梵行。恒為諸佛之所稱歎。常修佛慧具大神通。善知一切諸法之門。質直無偽志念堅固。 如是菩薩充滿其國。舍利弗。華光佛壽十二小劫。除為王子未作佛時。其國人民壽八小劫。華光如來過十二小劫。授堅滿菩薩阿耨多羅三藐三菩提記。告諸比丘。是堅滿菩薩次當作佛。號曰華足安行多陀阿伽度阿羅訶三藐三佛陀。其佛國土亦復如是。舍利弗。是華光佛滅度之後。正法住世三十二小劫。像法住世亦三十二小劫。