Hitt sijun, Sariputra beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:
“Guaw tniax diyc jitt hy huat’imx
Did diyc ixjaw m bad u :ee
Simlai dua hnuahiw
Huaigii ee bxang longxx siauduu
Sikzit ybongg Vuddyy ee qauwhuar
Byy sitlyc Dairsing
Vut ee huat'imx jiokk hihanw
Tangx siauduu jiongwsingx ee huanlyw
Guaw ee lrau ixx jin
Tniax .diyc iarr siauduu iuciuu qapp huanlyw
Guaw diamr dirr snuaqog
Iacc dirr ciu-kax
Bylun jre lehh iacc laihuee qniasuaw
Siongsiongg suniuu jitt qnia su
Jiatanr cimx cimx jikvi qaqi
Si anwjnuaw kipenr qaqi
Guanw jiaxee iarr Vuddyy ee derjuw
Qangg sijun zip byy lrau ee huatmngg
Berdangr dirr birlaii
Enxsuad busiong ee dy
Snax-jap-zi xee qimsig ee siongwmau
Jap jiongw qaixtuad ee ligliong
Qiongrdongg yc jit xee huatmngg
Suacc byy did diyc jitt xee vunxsu
Veh-jap jiongw bibiau
Jap-veh jiongw byy qangg ee dyrhuad
Cincniu jitt hy qongdig
Guaw longxx srid .kir
Guaw dandok laihuee decc qniasuaw ee sii
Knuar diyc Vuddyy dirr dairjiongr lairdew
Miasniax muaw sibhongx
Poxpenr lirig jiongwsingx
Qaqi sniu qongxx srid kir jitt xee lirig
Guaw kipenr qaqi
Guaw dniardnia dirr zid’ia
Muixmuiw suniuu jitt qnia
Beh mng Sewjunx jitt hxang
Guaw u srid .kir iacc byy
Guaw dniardnia knuar diyc Sewjunx
Decc cingjanr jiongww posad
Soxiw dirr zid’ia
Suniuu jitt qnia su
Qimzit tniax diyc Vuddyy ee huat'imx
Suisun jiongwsingx juer diaujingw suathuad
Byy lrau :ee iarr lann sugi
Hro jiongwsingx laii qaur dyrdniuu
Guaw guanvunw jipdiok siaa qenwsig
Beh juer brahma ee sensnix
Sewjunx jaix guaw ee simsux
Vuic driau siaa qenwsig qangxsuad liappuann
Guaw siauduu soxu siaa qenwsig
Dirr kongsingr did henrjingr
Hitt sii qaqi simlai decc sniu
Ixx drat qaur tangx beddo
Qaur dnaxx jiacc u jurqag
Hex m si sidjai beddo
Narr tangx juer vut
Snax-jap-zi jiongw siongwmau jiauvi
E sriu tenzinn, langg, qapp iarcex
Lringg-srinn dingxdingw qiongqingr
Hitt sii jiacc tangx cxingx juer
Huanlyw ingxuanw bedjin byy cunx
Vut dirr dairjiongr lairdew
Qongw guaw e juer vut
Tniax diyc jitt hy huat’imx
Gihik qapp hiyrhuew ixx siauduu
Cocox tniax vut soxx qongw
Simlai dua qniagii
Qamxx si xmoo qew juer vut
Laii ziauxluan guaw ee simx
Vut ixx jiongxjiongw inenn qapp piwzu
Iong kaxbiau ee gensuu suathuad
Ix ee simx an’unw cincniu haiw
Guaw tniax liauw huaigii ee bxang dng
Vut qongw quewkir sxer
U buliong ixx beddo ee vut
An’unw diamr dirr hongven hxuad lairdew
Iarr longxx enxsuad jitt xee Hxuad
Henrjai qapp birlaii ee vut
Sowliong si buliong
Iarr ixx jiongxjiongw hongven
Enxsuad jitt xee Hxuad
Henrjai ee Sewjunx
An’ cutsir qaur cutqex
Did dy dngw huatlunn
Iarr ixx hongven hxuad enxsuad
Sewjunx sueh jinsit ee dyrhuad
Moongg be anxnex juer
Soxiw guaw kakding
M si xmoo qew juer vut
Guaw in’ui duirlyc giaugii ee bxang
Liahjunw si xmoo soxx juer
Tniax diyc Vuddyy ziunngw ee snia’imx
Cim’uanw qycc jiokk bibiau
Enxsuad cingjing Hxuad itliusuiw
Guaw ee simx dua hnuahiw
Huaigii qapp hiyrhuew ingxuanw bedjin
An’unw diamr dirr jinsit ee diwhui lairdew
Guaw dniardiyc e juer vut
Virr tenzinn qapp langg soxx junqingr
Dngw busiong ee huatlunn
Qauwhuar jerje posad”
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter III A Parable 2)
Then Śāriputra, wanting to elaborate this meaning, spoke again in verse:
When I heard the words of this Dharma,
Experiencing something unprecedented,
My heart overflowed with joy,
And I was rid of all my doubts.
From long ago, ever since I heard
The teaching of the Buddha,
I have not lost the Mahayana.
The words of the buddhas are extremely rare
And are capable of ridding sentient beings
Of their suffering.
Although I had already attained
Freedom from corruption,
By hearing the Buddha’s voice,
I have also been rid of my anxiety.
Whether I was dwelling
In mountain valleys or under forest trees,
Whether I was sitting or walking,
Grieving and blaming myself deeply,
I thought incessantly:
How have I deceived myself!
I am also the heir of the buddhas,
Having entered the same incorruptible Dharma.
Nevertheless, in the future,
I shall not be able to explain the highest path.
The golden color, the thirty-two marks,
The ten powers, and the liberations
Are all in the same Dharma;
And yet I have not attained any of these.
Moreover, such qualities as
The eighty excellent and eighteen special characteristics
Are completely lost to me.
When I was wandering alone,
I saw the Buddha in the great assembly
Filling the ten directions with his fame
And greatly benefiting sentient beings.
I then thought:
I have lost all these benefits
Because I have been deceiving myself.
I thought about this constantly day and night
And wanted to ask the Bhagavat:
Have I or have I not lost these?
I always saw the Bhagavat
Praising the bodhisattvas.
That is why I pondered over such matters
As these both day and night.
Now I have heard the words of the Buddha,
Explaining to sentient beings
The incorruptible Dharma,
Which is difficult to comprehend,
And making them enter
The terrace of enlightenment.
Formerly, I was attached to false views
And was a teacher of brahmans.
The Bhagavat, knowing my mind,
Removed the false views and taught nirvana.
I got rid of false views completely
And attained the teaching of emptiness.
At that time I considered myself
To have attained nirvana.
But now I have become aware
That this was not the real nirvana.
When I become a buddha
I shall be endowed with the thirty-two marks,
And be honored by devas, humans, yakṣas, and nāgas.
Only then can it be said that
I have Permanently attained nirvana without residue.
Before the great assembly
The Buddha has proclaimed
That I will become a buddha.
After hearing these words of the Dharma,
I was immediately rid of all my doubts.
When I first heard this teaching of the Buddha’s,
I was greatly startled and thought:
I wonder if Māra, acting like the Buddha,
Is confusing me!
But the Buddha, who teaches skillfully
By means of various explanations and illustrations,
Has made my mind tranquil like the ocean.
While listening to him I was freed from the web of my doubts.
The Buddha has said that immeasurable buddhas
Who have attained parinirvāṇa in the past,
Established in the use of skillful means,
Have also taught this Dharma.
Immeasurable buddhas in the present and future
Will also teach this Dharma
With various skillful means.
The present Bhagavat,
From the time he was born
And renounced household life
Until he obtained the path
And turned the wheel of the Dharma,
Has also taught through skillful means.
The Bhagavat teaches the real path,
But the Wicked One does not.
Therefore I know definitely
That it was not Māra acting like the Buddha.
Because I fell into a web of doubt,
I thought that Māra was impersonating the Buddha.
When I heard the voice of the Buddha,
Profound and very subtle,
Fluently explaining the pure Dharma,
I became full of great joy.
My doubts are completely and forever exhausted,
And I have achieved the true wisdom.
I will definitely become a buddha,
Honored by devas and humans.
I will turn the wheel of the highest Dharma
And lead and inspire the bodhisattvas.
(妙法蓮華經第三品 譬喻之2)
我聞是法音 得所未曾有
心懷大歡喜 疑網皆已除
昔來蒙佛教 不失於大乘
佛音甚希有 能除眾生惱
我已得漏盡 聞亦除憂惱
我處於山谷 或在樹林下
若坐若經行 常思惟是事
嗚呼深自責 云何而自欺
我等亦佛子 同入無漏法
不能於未來 演說無上道
金色三十二 十力諸解脫
同共一法中 而不得此事
八十種妙好 十八不共法
如是等功德 而我皆已失
我獨經行時 見佛在大眾
名聞滿十方 廣饒益眾生
自惟失此利 我為自欺誑
我常於日夜 每思惟是事
欲以問世尊 為失為不失
我常見世尊 稱讚諸菩薩
以是於日夜 籌量如此事
今聞佛音聲 隨宜而說法
無漏難思議 令眾至道場
我本著邪見 為諸梵志師
世尊知我心 拔邪說涅槃
我悉除邪見 於空法得證
爾時心自謂 得至於滅度
而今乃自覺 非是實滅度
若得作佛時 具三十二相
天人夜叉眾 龍神等恭敬
是時乃可謂 永盡滅無餘
佛於大眾中 說我當作佛
聞如是法音 疑悔悉已除
初聞佛所說 心中大驚疑
將非魔作佛 惱亂我心耶
佛以種種緣 譬喻巧言說
其心安如海 我聞疑網斷
佛說過去世 無量滅度佛
安住方便中 亦皆說是法
現在未來佛 其數無有量
亦以諸方便 演說如是法
如今者世尊 從生及出家
得道轉法輪 亦以方便說
世尊說實道 波旬無此事
以是我定知 非是魔作佛
我墮疑網故 謂是魔所為
聞佛柔軟音 深遠甚微妙
演暢清淨法 我心大歡喜
疑悔永已盡 安住實智中
我定當作佛 為天人所敬
轉無上法輪 教化諸菩薩