
Shurangama Qingx (id-9)

Ananda kesiuw duiww Vuddyy qongw, "Guaw tniax Zulaii jitt hy Hxuad ee imsniax, liauxgno diyc guaw ee simx qisit diamr dirr sinkux guarkauw. Anwjnuaw qongw lehh? Piwlun dinghuew dirr sxig-lai diamw dyc, jitt pax dinghuew vitdnia e singx jiyr qngx sxig-lai, suar .lyc mngg-au qapp mngdniaa. Itcer jiongwsingx byy knuar sinkux luervo, dogdok knuar duiww sinkux guarkauw. Qaxnaxx dinghuew dirr sxig-gua berdangr jiyr zip sxig-lai. Jitt xee dyrliw u kaksit bingvik dyrr be qycc u gihik. Dyrr cincniu Vuddyy liauxted dyrliw, byy qycc u bongrsiongw."

(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 1 --9)
Ánanda bowed his head and said to the Buddha, "Upon hearing the Thus Come One proclaim this explanation of Dharma, such a Dharma-sound as the Thus Come One has proclaimed, I realize that my mind is actually outside my body. How is that possible?  For example, a lamp lit in a room will certainly illumine the inside of the room first, and only then will its light stream through the doorway to reach the recesses of the hall.  Beings’ not being able to see within their bodies but only see outside them is analogous to having a lighted lamp placed outside the room, so that it cannot illumine the room. This principle is clear and beyond all doubt. It is identical with the Buddha’s complete meaning, isn’t it?"


