qongw, jiongww bikiu! Jitt xee tam'air dirr dyc'ui snix cud, dirr dyc'ui kiarkax?
Qniwnarr dirr sewqanx u beh air iacc tangx hnuahiw :ee, jitt xee tam'air dyrr dirr
hiax snix cud, dirr hiax kiarkax. Sewqanx u soxjai duiww bagjiux laii qongw si beh air iacc
tangx hnuahiw :ee, jitt xee tam'air dyrr dirr hiax snix cud, dirr hiax kiarkax. Sewqanx
u soxjai duiww hni laii qongw si beh air iacc tangx hnuahiw :ee, jitt xee tam'air dyrr dirr
hiax snix cud, dirr hiax kiarkax. Sewqanx u soxjai duiww pni laii qongw si beh air iacc tangx hnuahiw :ee, jitt xee tam'air dyrr dirr hiax snix cud, dirr hiax
kiarkax. Sewqanx u soxjai duiww cuiwjic laii qongw si beh air iacc tangx hnuahiw
:ee, jitt xee tam'air dyrr dirr hiax snix cud, dirr hiax kiarkax. Sewqanx u soxjai
duiww sinkux laii qongw si beh air iacc tangx hnuahiw :ee, jitt xee tam'air dyrr dirr
hiax snix cud, dirr hiax kiarkax. Sewqanx u soxjai duiww iwliam laii qongw si beh air iacc tangx hnuahiw :ee, jitt xee tam'air dyrr dirr hiax snix cud, dirr hiax
(Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta - 70)
When this craving arises, bhikkhus, where does it arise?
When it establishes itself, where does it establish itself?
When this craving arises and establishes itself, it does so in
the delightful and pleasurable characteristics of the world. What are the delightful and pleasurable characteristics of
the world? In the world, the eye has the characteristic of
being delightful and pleasurable. When this craving arises,
it arises there (i.e. in the eye); when it establishes itself, it
establishes itself there. In the world, the ear…. In the world,
the nose…. In the world, the tongue…. In the world, the
body…. In the world, the mind has the characteristic of
being delightful and pleasurable. When this craving arises it
arises there; when it establishes itself, it establishes itself
(四念住經 - 70)