Dirr sewqanx narr u tangx air iacc tangx hnuahiw ee soxx knuar, jitt xee tam'air dyrr dirr hiax snix cud, dirr hiax kiarkax. Dirr sewqanx narr u tangx air iacc tangx hnuahiw ee soxx tniax, jitt xee tam'air dyrr dirr hiax snix cud, dirr hiax kiarkax. Dirr sewqanx narr u tangx air iacc tangx hnuahiw ee soxx pnri, jitt xee tam'air dyrr dirr hiax snix cud, dirr hiax kiarkax. Dirr sewqanx narr u tangx air iacc tangx hnuahiw ee soxx damx, jitt xee tam'air dyrr dirr hiax snix cud, dirr hiax kiarkax. Dirr sewqanx narr u tangx air iacc tangx hnuahiw ee soxx bongkab, jitt xee tam'air dyrr dirr hiax snix cud, dirr hiax kiarkax. Dirr sewqanx narr u tangx air iacc tangx hnuahiw ee soxx sniu, jitt xee tam'air dyrr dirr hiax snix cud, dirr hiax kiarkax.
(Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta - 73)
In the world, eye-contact…. In the world, ear-contact…. In
the world, nose-contact…. In the world, tongue-contact….
In the world, body-contact…. In the world, mind-contact
has the characteristic of being delightful and pleasurable.
When this craving arises it arises there; when it establishes
itself, it establishes itself there.
(四念住經 - 73)