Qycjaiww qongw, jiongww bikiu! Kow bedbyy ee jinliw si sniaw? Hex dyrr si duiww jitt xee tam'air longxx byy cunx ee li iok, bedjin, siawli, kiwsag, qaixtuad, qapp byy uer .diyc. Qycjaiww qongw, jiongww bikiu. Jitt xee tam'air dirr dyc'ui kiwsag, dirr dyc'ui bedbyy? Dirr sewqanx u tangx air iacc tangx hnuahiw :ee, jitt xee tam'air dyrr dirr hiax kiwsag, dirr hiax bedbyy.
(Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta - 80)
And what, bhikkhus, is the Noble Truth of the cessation of
dukkha? It is the complete extinction and cessation of this
very craving, its abandoning and discarding, the liberation
and detachment from it. Bhikkhus, when this craving is
abandoned, where is it abandoned? When it ceases, where
does it cease? When this craving is abandoned or ceases it
does so in the delightful and pleasurable characteristics of
the world.
(四念住經 - 80)