Duiww sewqanx ee siktew narr u tangx air iacc tangx hnuahiw ee quancad, jitt xee tam'air dyrr dirr hiax kiwsag, dirr hiax bedbyy. Duiww sewqanx ee snia'imx narr u tangx air iacc tangx hnuahiw ee quancad, jitt xee tam'air dyrr dirr hiax kiwsag, dirr hiax bedbyy. Duiww sewqanx ee pangbi narr u tangx air iacc tangx hnuahiw ee quancad, jitt xee tam'air dyrr dirr hiax kiwsag, dirr hiax bedbyy. Duiww sewqanx ee jubi narr u tangx air iacc tangx hnuahiw ee quancad, jitt xee tam'air dyrr dirr hiax kiwsag, dirr hiax bedbyy. Duiww sewqanx ee bongkab narr u tangx air iacc tangx hnuahiw ee quancad, jitt xee tam'air dyrr dirr hiax kiwsag, dirr hiax bedbyy. Duiww sewqanx ee henrsiong narr u tangx air iacc tangx hnuahiw ee quancad, jitt xee tam'air dyrr dirr hiax kiwsag, dirr hiax bedbyy.
(Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta - 90)
In the world, the continued thinking about visible objects….
In the world, the continued thinking about sounds…. In the
world, the continued thinking about odours…. In the
world, the continued thinking about tastes…. In the world,
the continued thinking about dhammas has the
characteristic of being delightful and pleasurable. When this
craving is abandoned, it is abandoned there; when it ceases,
it ceases there.
(四念住經 - 90)