23. Kandnii
"Lairgua longxx u kandnii,
Jit dai suar jit dai virr kandnii dnii lehh.
Cingxqaur Gotama,
Si'angw tangx qra jitt xee kandnii vangr li?"
qaiwlut u diwhui ee langg,
Siusimx qapp
siulen diwhui.
qycc qinxsin ee bikiu,
Inx tangx qra jitt xee kandnii vangr li.
Qapp tam'iog
ixqip uanwhun li hng hng,
qapp bubingg li hng hng,
Huanlyw ixx jin ee arahant,
Inx tangx qaixtuad
jitt xee kandnii.
Bingcingx qapp siksinx longxx siaubet,
Duiww siksinx bongrsiongw ee jiongwgai,
Jit sud sud aw dy' byy cunx,
Kandnii dyrr e dirr jiax cetdng."
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-1-23)
23 Tangle
“A tangle inside, a tangle outside,
This generation is entangled in a tangle.
I ask you this, O Gotama,
Who can disentangle this tangle?”
“A man established on virtue, wise,
Developing the mind and wisdom,
A bhikkhu ardent and discerning:
He can disentangle this tangle.
Those for whom lust and hatred
Along with ignorance have been expunged,
The arahants with taints destroyed:
For them the tangle is disentangled.
Where name-and-form cease,
End without remainder,
And also impingement and perception of form:
It is here this tangle is cut.”
“A tangle inside, a tangle outside,
This generation is entangled in a tangle.
I ask you this, O Gotama,
Who can disentangle this tangle?”
“A man established on virtue, wise,
Developing the mind and wisdom,
A bhikkhu ardent and discerning:
He can disentangle this tangle.
Those for whom lust and hatred
Along with ignorance have been expunged,
The arahants with taints destroyed:
For them the tangle is disentangled.
Where name-and-form cease,
End without remainder,
And also impingement and perception of form:
It is here this tangle is cut.”
(相應部 1-1-23)
[二三] 纏縺
內外之纏縺 人人纏纏縺
奉敬向瞿曇 誰離此纏縺
住戒智慧人 修心及智慧
熱誠慎比丘 彼離此纏縺
遠離貪與嗔 乃至於無明
漏盡阿羅漢 解脫此纏縺
消滅名與色 障想及色想
無所殘餘者 此總斷纏縺