
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-1-27)

27. Kelauu
"Kelauu dirr dyc'ui be qycc lrauu?
Lunjuanw dirr dyc'ui tingjiw?
Bingcingx qapp siksinx dirr dyhh bet .kir,
Byy qycc u cunx :ee lauu lehh?"
"De, juiw, huew, qapp hongx,
Jitt sir dua hxang jiauu bedbyy ee soxjai,
An' jiax kelauu be qycc lrauu,
Lunjuanw dirr jiax be qycc sec.
Dirr jiax bingcingx qapp siksinx e bedbyy,
Byy qycc u cunx :ee lauu lehh."

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-1-27)
27 Streams
“From where do the streams turn back?
Where does the round no longer revolve?
Where do name-and-form
Cease utterly without remainder?”

“Where water, earth, fire and air,
Do not gain a footing:
It is from here that the streams turn back,
Here that the round no longer revolves;
Here name-and-form
Cease utterly without remainder.” 

(相應部 1-1-27) 
[二七] 流
流何處不流  渦於何處止
名色何處滅  無有餘殘留
地水與火風  四大之滅處
由此流不流  於此止渦流
於此滅名色  無有餘殘留

