Hitt sii, Maitreya Posad mng Vuddyy qongxx, "Sewjunx! Uirdiyhh sniaw enqor, hitt qog ee zinbinn, uree taisingx, uree huawsingx?"
Vuddyy qra Maitreya qongw, "Narr u jiongwsingx, inx iong qorr u gihik ee simx decc siulen jiongxjiongw qongdig, guanrir dirr hitt qog cutsir, inx be liauxqaiw Vut ee diwhui, vutsugi ee diwhui, gensuu berdangr qongw ee diwhui, dairsing qongxdai ee diwhui, qapp berdangr vixping siongrr quann ee diwhui. Duiww jiaxee diwhui, inx u gihik m guan sinr, mrqycc iuguann siongsinr juerquar qapp hokvyr, siulen qapp hagsip senrvunw, guan dirr hitt qog cutsir. Jiaxee jiongwsingx, ongxsingx kir qaur hitt xee qiongden, huewsiu go-vah huer, qnir be diyc Vut, tniax be diyc qinghuad, qnir be diyc posad, sniabunn, qapp jiongww singwjiaw. Soxiw dirr hitt xee qoktow, inx qiyr jyr taisingx. Narr u jiongwsingx, bingvik qapp siongsinr Vut ee diwhui, simrjiww siongrr quann ee diwhui, jyr jiongxjiongw qongdig, soxx sinr ee simx huedngxhiongr, jiaxee jiongwsingx, dirr cid vyw ee huex lairdew, jurzenn huawsingx, tiabkuann jre, jit diab aw quw, siongwtew qongbingg, diwhui qapp qongdig kyxviw jiongww posad, u jiokgiac ee singjiu. Qycc u, Maitreya! Vadd soxjai ee jiongww dua posad, huatsimx beh qnir Buliong Siursor Vut, qiongqingr qiongriongw, qycc qiongriongw jiongww posad qapp sniabunn jiongww singwjiaw. Hiaxee posad, dirr siursor liauxqed tangx ongxsingx kir qaur Buliong Siursor Qog, dirr cid vyw ee huex lairdew jurzenn huawsingx. Maitreya, liw qaidongx jai'ngiaw. Hiaxee huawsingx :ee, diwhui u kacc ngiaa. Hiaxee taisingx :ee, longxx byy diwhui, dirr go-vah huer lairdew, be qnir diyc Vut, be tniax diyc qinghuad, be qnir diyc posad qapp jiongww sniabunn. Inx byy in'enn qiongriongw Vut, m jaix posad siulen ee hongsig, berdangr siulen qapp hagsip qongdig. Qaidongx jaix jiaxee langg, siokser ee sii, byy diwhui ixqip simx u gihik soxx drir."
(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 78)
Then the Bodhisattva Maitreya said to the Buddha, "World-Honored One, for what reason are some of the inhabitants of that land in the embryonic state and the others born by transformation?"
The Buddha replied, "Maitreya, if there are sentient beings who do various meritorious deeds aspiring for birth in that land while still entertaining doubt, such beings are unable to comprehend the Buddha-wisdom, inconceivable wisdom, ineffable wisdom, boundless Mahayana wisdom, and incomparable, unequaled, and unsurpassed supreme wisdom. Although they doubt these wisdoms, they still believe in retribution for evil and reward for virtue and so cultivate a stock of merits, aspiring for birth in that land. Such beings are born in a palace, where they dwell for five hundred years without being able to behold the Buddha, hear his exposition of the Dharma, or see the hosts of bodhisattvas and shravakas. For this reason, that type of birth in the Pure Land is called 'embryonic state.' If there are sentient beings who with resolute faith accept these kinds of wisdom, from the Buddha's wisdom to the supreme wisdom, do meritorious deeds and sincerely transfer the merit acquired (to that land), those beings will be born by transformation spontaneously. seated with legs crossed, in the seven-jewelled lotus-flowers, and instantly attain the same glorious forms, wisdom and virtue as those of other bodhisattvas there. Further, Maitreya, if great bodhisattvas in the Buddha-lands of other quarters desire to see Amitayus, and revere and make offerings to him and the hosts of bodhisattvas and shravakas, they will, after death, be born in the land of Amitayus. Spontaneously transformed they will be born from within the seven-jewelled lotus-flowers. Maitreya, you should know that those born by transformation are possessed of supreme wisdom, while those in the embryonic state lack that wisdom and must pass five hundred years without being able to see the Buddha, hear his teaching of the Dharma, see the hosts of bodhisattvas and shravakas, make offerings to the Buddha, learn the rules of conduct for bodhisattvas, or perform meritorious practices. You should know that this is because those beings harbored doubt and lacked wisdom in their previous lives."
(佛說無量壽經 - 78)
爾時慈氏菩薩白佛言:「世尊!何因何緣,彼國人民,胎生化生?」佛告慈氏:「若有眾生, 以疑惑心,修諸功德,願生彼國,不了佛智、不思議智、不可稱智、大乘廣智、無等無倫最上勝智。於此諸智,疑惑不信;然猶信罪福,修習善本,願生其國。此諸眾生,生彼宮殿,壽五百歲,常不見佛,不聞經法,不見菩薩聲聞聖眾。是故於彼國土,謂之胎生。若有眾生,明信佛智,乃至勝智,作諸功德,信心迴向,此諸眾生,於七寶華中,自然化生,跏趺而坐,須臾之頃,身相光明,智慧功德,如諸菩薩具足成就。復次,慈氏!他方諸大菩薩,發心欲見無量壽佛,恭敬供養,及諸菩薩聲聞聖眾。彼菩薩等,命終得生無量壽國,於七寶華中,自然化生。彌勒當知!彼化生者,智慧勝故;其胎生者,皆無智慧,於五百歲中,常不見佛,不聞經法,不見菩薩諸聲聞眾,無由供養於佛,不知菩薩法式,不得修習功德。當知此人,宿世之時,無有智慧,疑惑所致。」
爾時慈氏菩薩白佛言:「世尊!何因何緣,彼國人民,胎生化生?」佛告慈氏:「若有眾生, 以疑惑心,修諸功德,願生彼國,不了佛智、不思議智、不可稱智、大乘廣智、無等無倫最上勝智。於此諸智,疑惑不信;然猶信罪福,修習善本,願生其國。此諸眾生,生彼宮殿,壽五百歲,常不見佛,不聞經法,不見菩薩聲聞聖眾。是故於彼國土,謂之胎生。若有眾生,明信佛智,乃至勝智,作諸功德,信心迴向,此諸眾生,於七寶華中,自然化生,跏趺而坐,須臾之頃,身相光明,智慧功德,如諸菩薩具足成就。復次,慈氏!他方諸大菩薩,發心欲見無量壽佛,恭敬供養,及諸菩薩聲聞聖眾。彼菩薩等,命終得生無量壽國,於七寶華中,自然化生。彌勒當知!彼化生者,智慧勝故;其胎生者,皆無智慧,於五百歲中,常不見佛,不聞經法,不見菩薩諸聲聞眾,無由供養於佛,不知菩薩法式,不得修習功德。當知此人,宿世之時,無有智慧,疑惑所致。」