Vuddyy qra Maitreya qongw, "M na jiaxee jap-sir xee vut ee qok-lai ee jiongww posad tangx ongxsingx kir hiax, sibhongx sewqair buliong vut ee qoktow ee posad, inx iarr tangx jiauww jitt hy kuanw ongxsingx kir hiax, sowbok je qaxx be sngr .did. Guaw dna' qongw sibhongx jiongww vut ee miahy, qapp posad ixqip bikiu ongxsingx kir hitt qog :ee, zid'ia jit qiab, iaxx qongw be jin. Guaw dnaxx uirr liw iokliok qongw .jit .xe narnia."
(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 82)
The Buddha said to Maitreya, "Not only do the bodhisattvas from those fourteen Buddha-lands visit that land, but also bodhisattvas from innumerable Buddha-lands in the ten quarters, whose number is incalculable. Even if I were to give you only the names of the Buddhas in the ten quarters and the number of the bodhisattvas and bhiksus who visit that land, enumerating them continuously day and night for a kalpa, I would not be able to complete the list. This is why I have given you only a brief description."
(佛說無量壽經 - 82)