
Vuddyy Qangxsuad Buliong Siursor Qingx (85)

Hitt sii Sewjunx qangxsuad jitt vxo qinghuad, buliong jiongwsingx longxx huad kiw busiong jniawqag ee simx. Jit-bxan nng-cingx nayuta langg did diyc cingjing huatganw. Zi-jap-zi-ig jiongww tenzinn qapp zinbinn did diyc anagamin ee qongqyw. Veh-jap-bxan xee bikiu bet jin huanlyw, duiww iwjiw u liauxqaiw. Sir-jap-ig xee posad did diyc byy trer dywdngw ee qongqyw. Inx ixx dua sewguan qapp qongdig laii jonggiamm jursinx, dirr jionglaiser ingdongx e singjiu jniawqag. Hitt sii snax-cingx daircenx sewqair huad cud lak jiongw dinxdang, dua qngx poxpenr jiyr dirr sibhongx qoktow. Vaccingx imgak jurzenn enxjaur. Buliong bixbiau ee huex jiapsaur an' tnidingw qangr lyc. 

(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 85)  
When the World-Honored One had finished his exposition of this sutra, aspiration for the highest Enlightenment was awakened in innumerable sentient beings. Twelve thousand nayutas of human beings attained the pure Dharma-eye; twenty-two kotis of devas and humans attained the Stage of a Non-returner; eight hundred thousand bhiksus realized the wisdom of destroying defilements; forty kotis of bodhisattvas attained the Stage of Non-retrogression; and all, adorned with the virtue of the universal vows, will ultimately attain perfect Enlightenment. At that time the entire universe of a thousand million worlds shook in six ways, and a great light illuminated all the lands in the ten quarters. A hundred thousand kinds of music played spontaneously, and innumerable marvelous flowers fell in profusion from the sky.   

(佛說無量壽經 - 85) 

