Qongxx simxmic si sir liamrju? Jiongww bikiu, dirr jiax, bikiu ixx sintew quancad sintew diamr lehh, jingjinr, qutlat, u qakdix, u jniawliam, druu kir sewqanx ee tambee qapp iubun; ixx qamxsiu quancad qamxsiu diamr lehh, jingjinr, qutlat, u qakdix, u jniawliam, druu kir sewqanx ee tambee qapp iubun; ixx simx quancad simx diamr lehh, jingjinr, qutlat, u qakdix, u jniawliam, druu kir sewqanx ee tambee qapp iubun; ixx hxuad quancad hxuad diamr lehh, jingjinr, qutlat, u qakdix, u jniawliamm, druu kir sewqanx ee tambee qapp iubun.
(Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta - 4)
What are these four? Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells perceiving again and again the body as just the body with diligence, clear understanding, and mindfulness, thus keeping away covetousness and mental pain in the world; he dwells perceiving again and again feelings as just feelings with diligence, clear understanding, and mindfulness, thus keeping away covetousness and mental pain in the world; he dwells perceiving again and again the mind as just the mind with diligence, clear understanding, and mindfulness, thus keeping away covetousness and mental pain in the world; he dwells perceiving again and again dhammas as just dhammas with diligence, clear under standing, and mindfulness, thus keeping away covetousness and mental pain in the world.
(四念住經 - 4)