Guaw tniax .diyc .ee si anxnex. Susii, Vut dirr
Sāvatthī Qog Jeta Ciurnaa lairdew ee Anāthapiṇḍika Hngg kiarkiw. U jit xui
bikiu an' jyrui vreh kiw, jniawvingg ee qingqah teh teh, habjiongw hiongr Vut
"Sidjai jiokk hyw! Sewjunx! Ngwbang liw uirr guaw
coliok suecbingg hxuad ee iauwjiw. Guaw tniax hxuad liauxau, qaidongx qo' jit
langg kir piacjing ee soxjai druar, juwsinn suniuu, unkunn byy dairban. Guaw e cimsux
qongxx, senrlamjuw cutqex tir tauu, srinx cing huathok, siongsinr siogqex m
si cur, cutqex yc dy si uirdiyhh beh siulen qiuwqingr busiong dua cingjing
ee hing'uii, tangx dirr jitt sii qapp jitt dah uijingr qongxx: 'Guaw ee
snesiw lunhuee ixx bedjin, cingjing ee hing'uii ixx qenwlip, soxx qaix juer :ee
ixx juer, qaqi jin' jaix jit'aursinx be qycc siursingx laii junjai.'"
Hitt xee sijun, Sewjunx qra hitt xui bikiu
qongw, "Jin' hyw! Jin' hyw! Liw duxjiah qongw hiaxee ue, qongxx, 'Sewjunx! Uirr guaw
coliok suecbingg hxuad ee iauwjiw. Guaw dirr coliok suathuad lairdew cimx cimx
liauxqaiw qidiongx ee ywgi, qaidongx qo' jit langg kir piacjing ee soxjai
druar, juwsinn suniuu, unkunn byy dairban, simrjiww qaqi jin' jaix
jit'aursinx be qycc siursingx laii junjai.' Liw anxnex qongw, si mi?"
Bikiu qra Vut qongw, "Si anxnex byy m driyc,
Vut qra bikiu qongw, "Jimjiog tniax,
jimjiog tniax. Tniax liauw hyw hyw aw sniu. Guaw uirr liw suecbingg qaizenn. Bikiu! Byy sriok dirr liw ee hxuad, diyhh soksog qra jamxdng qapp kiwsag. U jamxdng hitt xee hxuad
:ee, u dikgi u dua lirig, dngg xia e anlok."
Hitt sii, Bikiu qra Vut qongw, "Guaw jaix ar, Sewjunx! Guaw jaix ar, Sxen Quewongw!"
Hitt sii, Bikiu qra Vut qongw, "Guaw jaix ar, Sewjunx! Guaw jaix ar, Sxen Quewongw!"
Vut qra bikiu qongw, "Anwjnuaw qongw dirr
guaw coliok ee suathuad lairdew, liw u cimx cimx liauxqaiw qidiongx ee
Bikiu qra Vut qongw, "Sewjunx. Siksinx byy sriok dirr guaw, diyhh soksog qra jamxdng qapp kiwsagu. Qamxsiu, batsniu, qniahingg, qapp iwsig iarr byy sriok dirr guaw, diyhh soksog qra jamxdng qapp kiwsag. U Dikgi u dua lirig, dngg xia e
anlok. Dyrr si anxnex, Sewjunx! Guaw dirr Sewjunx coliok suathuad lairdew u cimx cimx
liauxqaiw qidiongx ee ywgi."
Vut qra bikiu qongw, "Jin' hyw! Jin’
hyw! Bikiu! Liw dirr guaw coliok suathuad lairdew u cimx cimx liauxqaiw
qidiongx ee ywgi. Si anwjnuaw anxnex qongw? Siksinx byy sriok dirr liw, diyhh soksog qra jamxdng qapp kiwsag. Jiauww jitt kuanw, qamxsiu, batsniu,qniahingg, qapp
iwsig iarr byy sriok dirr liw, diyhh soksog qra jamxdng qapp kiwsag. U qra jamxdng qapp kiwsag liauxau, u dikgi u dua lirig, dngg xia e anlok."
Hitt sii, hitt xui bikiu tniax diyc Vut soxx
qongw :ee, simx dua hnuahiw, hiongr Vut qnialew trer .kir. Ix qo' jit langg kir
piacjing ee soxjai druar, unkunn siuhing byy dairban. Unkunn siuhing byy
dairban, suar .lyc, ix qycc cimsux qongxx, senrlamjuw inhyy cutqex tir tauu,
srinx cing huathok, jniasit siongsinr siogqex m si cur laii cutqex,
simrjiww qaqi jin' jaix jit'aursinx be qycc siursingx laii junjai.
Hitt sii, hitt xui bikiu dyrr jniaa juer arahant, simx did
diyc qaixtuad.
(Saṃyuktāgama 1-17)
Thus have I heard. At one time the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī in
Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s Park. A certain monk rose from his seat, bared
his right shoulder and with palms together said to the Buddha:
would be well if the Blessed One would teach me the essentials of the Dharma in
brief. On having heard the Dharma I shall alone and in a quiet place reflect on
it with energy. Being established in it without negligence I shall reflect on
that for whose sake a clansman’s son goes forth, shaving off beard and hair and
putting Dharma robes on the body, out of faith going forth from the home to
homelessness for the unsurpassed supreme holy life, realizing here and now that
‘birth for me has been eradicated, the holy life has been established, what had
to be done has been done, I myself know that there will be no receiving of
further existence.'"
At that time the Blessed One said to that monk: "It is well, it is well,
that you speak like this: 'Blessed One, teach me the essentials of the Dharma
in brief. On having been taught the Dharma herein in brief and fully understood
its meaning, I shall alone and in a quiet place reflect on it with energy.
Being established in it without negligence … up to … knowing myself that there
will be no receiving of further existence.' Are you speaking like this?” The
monk said to the Buddha: “It is like this, Blessed One."
The Buddha said to the monk: "Listen, listen and pay careful attention
to what I will tell you. Monk, whatever things do not belong to you, they
should quickly be eradicated and relinquished. Having eradicated those things
will be for your benefit and welfare, for your peace for a long time.” Then the
monk said to the Buddha: “I understood, Blessed One, I understood Well Gone
The Buddha said to the monk: "How do you understand in full the meaning
of the teaching I herein spoke in brief?"
The monk said to the Buddha: "Blessed
One, bodily form does not belong to me, it should quickly be eradicated and
relinquished. Feeling … perception … formations … consciousness does not belong
to me, it should quickly be eradicated and relinquished. This will be for my
benefit and welfare, for my peace for a long time. Blessed One, I thus
understand in full the meaning of the teaching herein spoken in brief."
The Buddha said to the monk: "It is well, it is well, monk, that you
understand in full the meaning of the teaching I herein spoke in brief. Why is
that? Bodily form does not belong to you, it should quickly be eradicated and
relinquished. In the same way feeling … perception … formations … consciousness
does not belong to you, it should quickly be eradicated and relinquished.
Having eradicated and relinquished it will be for your benefit and welfare, for
your peace for a long time."
Then, on hearing what
the Buddha had said, the mind of that monk was greatly delighted. He paid
homage to the Buddha and withdrew. Practicing alone in a quiet place with
diligence he was established in being without negligence. Having practiced with
diligence and being established in being without negligence he was able to
reflect on that for the sake of what a clansman’s son goes forth, shaving off
beard and hair and putting Dharma robes on the body, out of right faith going
forth to homelessness … up to … he himself knew that there will be no receiving
of further existence.
Then that monk became an arahant, attaining liberation
of the mind.
(雜阿含經卷第一 -17)