
Jrap Agama Qingx (Id -16)

Guaw tniax .diyc .ee si anxnex. Susii, Vut dirr Sāvatthī Qog Jeta Ciurnaa lairdew ee Anāthapiṇḍika Hngg kiarkiw. Hitt xee sijun, u jit xui bikiu uaw kir Vut hiax, soxx mng :ee qapp dingwbin qangrkuanw, jingcax dirr, "Kir hro sysuw :ee saixsyx, duer sysuw :ee siw :ee, lunhuee ee vaixgiac dyrr duer lecc jingqax. Narr byy kir hro sysuw :ee saixsyx, byy duer sysuw :ee siw :ee, lunhuee ee vaixgiac dyrr be duer lecc jingqax." 
Vut qra bikiu qongw, "Dirr guaw coliok ee suathuad lairdew, liw u anwjnuaw dua dua liauxqaiw qidiongx ee ywgi?"
Hitt sii, hitt xui bikiu qra Vut qongw, "Sewjunx. Narr siksinx kir hro sysuw :ee saixsyx, siksinx dyrr duer sysuw :ee siw. Kir hro sysuw :ee saixsyx, duer sysuw :ee siw :ee, lunhuee ee vaixgiac dyrr e duer lecc jingqax. Jiauww jitt kuanw, qamxsiu, batsniu, qniahingg, qapp iwsig kir hro sysuw :ee saixsyx, dyrr duer sysuw :ee siw. Kir hro sysuw :ee saixsyx, duer sysuw :ee siw :ee, lunhuee ee vaixgiac dyrr duer lecc jingqax.
"Sewjunx! Narr siksinx byy kir hro sysuw :ee saixsyx, dyrr be duer sysuw :ee siw. Byy kir hro sysuw :ee saixsyx, byy duer sysuw :ee siw :ee, lunhuee ee vaixgiac dyrr be duer lecc jingqax. Jiauww jitt kuanw, qamxsiu, batsniu, qniahingg, qapp iwsig byy kir hro sysuw :ee saixsyx, dyrr be duer sysuw :ee siw. Byy kir hro sysuw :ee saixsyx, byy duer sysuw :ee siw :ee, lunhuee ee vaixgiac dyrr be duer lecc jingqax. Dyrr si anxnex, Sewjunx! Guaw dirr liw coliok suathuad lairdew u cimx cimx liauxqaiw qidiongx ee ywgi."
Dyrr cincniu anxnex, jitt xui bikiu simrjiww siulen qaur arahant, simx did diyc qaixtuad.   

(Saṃyuktāgama 1-16) 
Thus have I heard. At one time the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s Park. At that time a certain monk approached the Buddha … (asking as above, with this difference): 
"One who surrenders to the underlying tendencies and surrenders to the underlying tendency at death is reckoned accordingly. One who does not surrender to the underlying tendencies and does not surrender to the underlying tendency at death is not reckoned accordingly" …
The Buddha said to the monk: “How do you understand in full the meaning of the teaching I herein spoke in brief?” Then the monk said to the Buddha: “Blessed One, surrendering to the underlying tendencies of bodily form one surrenders to the underlying tendency at death. One who surrenders to the underlying tendencies and surrenders to the underlying tendency at death is reckoned accordingly. In the same way surrendering to the underlying tendencies of feeling … perception … formations … consciousness one surrenders to the underlying tendency at death. One who surrenders to the underlying tendencies and surrenders to the underlying tendency at death is reckoned accordingly. 
"Blessed One, if one does not surrender to the underlying tendencies of bodily form, one does not surrender to the underlying tendency at death. One who does not surrender to the underlying tendencies and does not surrender to the underlying tendency at death is not reckoned accordingly. In the same way if one does not surrender to the underlying tendencies of feeling … perception … formations … consciousness one does not surrender to the underlying tendency at death. One who does not surrender to the underlying tendencies and does not surrender to the underlying tendency at death is not reckoned accordingly. Blessed One, in this way I understand in full the meaning of the teaching herein spoken in brief."
(In the same way up to) … became an arahant, attaining liberation of the mind.  

(雜阿含經卷第一 -16) 

