Siong'ingr Vxo (1-2-11)
(Zi) Anathapindika
11. Candimasa
Hitt jun, Sewjunx dirr Shravasti Sniaa Jeta Ciurnaa ee Anathapindika Hngg kiarkiw.
Hitt sii, tnisinn ee qniaw Candimasa dirr lebingg vangr cud qik bibiau ee qngx venww jiyr qui'ee Jeta Hngg. Ix uaw kir Sewjunx hiax beh cingxmng. Uaw .kir ar, ix hiongr Sewjunx qnialew liauw dirr vnix:a kia. Dirr vnix:a kia ee sii, Candimasa dirr Sewjunx binrjingg cniur jitt siuw jimgensix, qongxx,
"Gauu hingsen simx jibdiongx,
Jniar liam zip senrdnia.
Kyxviw byy u bangw ee hyhuan,
Ciurjangg-diongx ee jauxsiu,
Tangx ving'anx qniajauw.
Hing'uii byy hongwdong,
Ham' siy' jner qapp huanlyw li hng hng,
Laii zip sendnia ee langg,
Kyxviw dirr bxang puar .kir ee hii,
Tangx ving'anx qnia'iuu."
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-2-11)
II. Anathapindika
11. Candimasa
Setting at Shravasti. Then, when the night had advanced, Candimasa, son of the devas, of stunning beauty, illuminating the entire Jeta’s Grove, approached the Blessed One. Having approached, he paid homage to the Blessed One, stood to one side, and recited this verse in the presence of the Blessed One:
“They will surely reach to safety
Like deer in a mosquito-free marsh,
Who, having attained the jhanas,
Are unified, discerning, mindful.”
“They will surely reach the far shore
Like a fish when the net is cut,
Who, having attained the jhanas,
Are diligent and have cast off conflict.”
(相應部 1-2-11)
第二 給孤獨品
善巧心集中 正念入禪定
猶如無蚊患 樹叢中走獸
可以平安行 不為於放逸
以離諍煩惱 而入禪定人
猶如破網魚 可以平安行
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
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