Siong'ingr Vxo (1-2-14)
14. Nandana
Kia dirr vnix:a tnisinn ee qniaw Nandana hiongr Sewjunx cniur jimgensix qongxx:
"U dua diwhui ee Gotama,
Be virr zimrhyy su ngkamr.
Cingxmng Sewjunx,
Dua inghiongg u qenwsig :ee,
Sniaw kuanw langg qiyr juer u cisiuw qaiwlut?
Sniaw kuanw langg u diwhui?
Sniaw kuanw langg u ciauuat kow?
Jiongww tnisinn jongvair sniaw kuanw langg?"
"U siuw qaiwlut :ee u diwhui,
Kinqinw siuhing dirr simx ee iwliam,
Jigjing qycc hnuahiw hagsenn,
U jniawliam kiwsag soxu iuciuu.
Soxu ee huanlyw itjin,
Juewau srinx ee langg,
Jitt hy kuanw siuhing ee langg,
Qiyr juer u cisiuw qaiwlut :ee.
Jitt hy kuanw siuhing ee langg,
Qiyr juer u diwhui :ee.
Jitt hy kuanw ciauuat kow ee langg,
Si langg qapp tnisinn soxx qingwdiong :ee."
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-2-14)
14. Nandana
Standing to one side, Nandana, son of the devas, addressed the Blessed One in verse:
“I ask you, Gotama, broad of wisdom—
Unobstructed is the Blessed One’s knowledge and vision:
What is he like whom they call virtuous?
What is he like whom they call wise?
What is he like who has passed beyond suffering?
What is he like whom the devatås worship?”
“One virtuous, wise, of developed mind,
Concentrated, mindful, enjoying jhåna,
For whom all sorrows are gone, abandoned,
A taint-destroyer bearing his final body:
It is such a one that they call virtuous,
Such a one that they call wise,
Such a one has passed beyond suffering,
Such a one do the devatås worship.”
(相應部 1-2-14)
大智之瞿曇 無有蓋覆事
奉問於世尊 大雄智見者
何持等戒者 何等智慧者
何等超苦人 諸天崇何人
具戒有智慧 勤修於心意
寂靜而禪樂 正念捨諸愁
諸漏皆盡已 最後身之人
如是之行人 稱為持戒者
如是之行人 稱為智慧者
如是超苦人 是人諸天敬
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
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