Siong'ingr Vxo (1-2-10)
10. Suriya (Zit)
Hitt sii, asura ee ongg Rahu qycc qra tnisinn ee qniaw Suriya liac .kir. Tnisinn ee qniaw Suriya sniu diyc Sewjunx, diyrr cniurr jitt siuw jimgensix qongxx:
"Vuddyy si dua inghiongg,
Guaw quiix dirr ix.
Ix ee jiongwgai longxx qaixtuad.
Guaw dnaxx lyc jiongwgai.
Cniaw jniaa juer guaw
Tangx quiix ee soxjai."
Hitt sii, quanhe tnisinn ee qniaw Suriya, Sewjunx iong jimgensix hiongr asura ee ongg Rahu qongxx:
"Tnisinn ee qniaw Suriya dnaxx
Quiix dirr Zulaii.
Qaix qingwhongx u jniar qakdix :ee,
Rahu diyhh vangr Suriya jauw.
Jiongww vut linbinw sewqanx,
Dirr oamr diongx huad qngx,
Venww jiyr dirr jiuuii.
Iam huew decc siyx,
Rahu m tangx tunx.
Inx hiaxee dirr kongdiongx vuex,
Rahu diyh vangr guaw ee
Derjuw Suriya jauw."
Hitt sii, asura ee ongg Rahu vangr tnisinn ee qniaw Suriya jauw liauxau, iuxsow qowlu, dyrr kir vaiwhongw asura ee ongg Vepacitti. Qauwui, kiongxhongg, mngqngw kia .kiw .laii dirr vnix :a kia. Asura ee ongg Vepacitti hiongr kia dirr vnix:a asura ee ongg Rahu qongw jimgensix, qongxx:
"Rahu jnuaxngiu jiacc kiongxhongg?
Uirhyy vangr Suriya jauw,
Liw dnaxx kurku junx,
Si decc qniax sniaw laii dirr jiax kia?"
"Guaw qniax Vuddyy ee jimgensix.
Narr guaw byy vangtr Suriya jauw,
Guaw ee tauu e quah juer cid der,
Uac lehh be tangx did anlok."
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-2-10)
10. Suriya
Now on that occasion Suriya, son of the devas, had been seized by Rahu, lord of the asuras.Then, recollecting the Blessed One, Suriya, son of the devas, on that occasion recited this verse:
“Let homage be to you, the Buddha!
O hero, you are everywhere released.
I have fallen into captivity,
So please be a refuge for me.”
Then, referring to Suriya, son of the devas, the Blessed One addressed Rahu, lord of the asuras, in verse:
“Suriya has gone for refuge
To the Tathagata, the Arahant.
Release Suriya, O Råhu,
Buddhas have compassion for the world.
While moving across the sky, O Rahu,
Do not swallow the radiant one,
The maker of light in darkness,
The disk of fiery might in the gloom.
Råhu, release my child Suriya.”
Then Rahu, lord of the asuras, released Suriya, son of the devas, and hurriedly approa
ched Vepacitti, lord of the asuras. Having approached, shocked and terrified, he stood to
one side. Then, as he stood there, Vepacitti, lord of the asuras, addressed him in verse:
“Why, Rahu, did you come in a hurry?
Why did you release Suriya?
Having come as if in a state of shock,
Why do you stand there frightened?”
“My head would have split in seven parts,
While living I would have found no ease,
If I had not released Suriya
When the Buddha chanted in verse to me.”
(相應部 1-2-10)
佛陀大雄者 我歸依於卿
卿障皆解脫 我今落障礙
然則從此我 置於歸依處
日天子今乃 歸依於如來
應供正覺者 羅睺以放日
佛陀憐世間 彼耀默闇中
徧照而周圓 熾燃炎熱火
羅睺不得吞 彼之飛空行
羅睺以放我 弟子日天子
羅睺何怖懼 為放日者乎
汝今顫懼來 何恐而立此
我畏佛陀偈 若我不放日
我頭割為七 不得生安樂
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
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