Hitt sijun, Sariputra beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:
“Diwhui cincniu zidtauu ee dairsingr junjiaw
Qingquer hiacc quw decc qangxsuad Hxuad
Liw qongw qaqi ixx did diyc cincniu
U diwlik, byy qnia’uir, samadhi,
Sendnia qapp qaixtuad dingxdingw
Vutkyw sugi ee Hxuad
Vut dirr dyrdniuu soxx did .diyc ee Hxuad
Byy langg u jaidiau mng
Vut ee iwsur lann cunxdok
Iarr byy langg u jaidiau mng
Byy langg mng dyrr qaqi qongw
Janwtanr soxx sidjenr ee dy
Diwhui qik bibiau
Jiongww vut soxx did .diyc .ee
Lrau jin byy huanlyw ee jiongww arhat
Ixqip qriuu liappuann :ee
Qimzit longxx duirlyc gihik ee bxang
Vut sniaw enqor anxnex qongw
Qiruu enqag :ee
Bikiu, bikuni,
Jerje tnix, lringg, quixsinn
Ixqip gandharva dingxdingw
Siy’ siongr u diuduu
Giongxbong hokdig qapp diwhui liongw qiamx ee junjiaw
Uirjnuaxngiu u jitt hy su
Guan vut uirr guanw qaixsueh
Dirr jiongww sniabunn lairdew
Vut qongw guaw si (diwhui) derr id
Ixx guaw jitmaw ee diwhui
Iarr u gihik berdangr liauxqaiw
Si sniaw qiuwqingr ee hxuad
Si anwjnuaw sidjenr dy
Vut ee cuir soxx snix ee derjuw
Habjiongw giongxbong qapp danxtai
Guan liw cud bibiau ee imsniax
Jitt sii qongw jinsit
Jerje tenzinn qapp lringg-sinn dingxdingw
Sowliong cincniu Ganges Hyy ee suax
Qriuu jniaa vut ee jerje posad
Sowliong u veh-bxan
Qycc u jerje banrig qog ee
Dngw Lenw Singwongg laii qaur
Habjiongw ixx qiongqingr ee simx
Beh tniax uanjuann qycc uanbuanw ee dy”
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter II Skillful Means 5)
Thereupon Śāriputra, wanting to further explain what he meant, spoke these verses:
O Great Seer, Sun of Wisdom!
Now, after a long time,
You have taught this Dharma, saying,
I have attained the inconceivable Dharma,
That is to say, power, fearlessness,
Samādhi, meditation, and liberation.
No one has ever questioned the Dharma
That I attained on the terrace of enlightenment.
No one has ever questioned my intentions,
So difficult to conceive.
Without being asked
You explained it by yourself
And praised the path you have practiced, saying,
The wisdom the buddhas have attained
Is extremely subtle!
The arhats free from corruption
And those seeking nirvana
Have all fallen into confusion.
Why has the Buddha said this?
Those seeking to become pratyekabuddhas,
Monks, nuns, devas, nāgas,
Yakṣas, gandharvas, and the others
Glanced at each other in confusion
And looking toward the Best of Humans asked:
O Buddha! We entreat you to explain why this is so!
The Buddha has said that
I am the foremost
Among the śrāvakas, yet now I am confused
About my own knowledge and unable to understand.
Is it the ultimate Dharma?
Is it a path to be practiced?
The sons born from the mouths of the buddhas
Stand waiting with palms pressed together,
Looking at the Buddha.
I entreat you to proclaim the truth,
Speaking in the finest voice!
The devas, nāgas, and others,
As numerous as the sands of the Ganges River,
As many as eighty thousand bodhisattvas
Who are seeking buddhahood, and noble emperors
Who have come from myriads of koṭis of countries,
Are all standing respectfully with palms pressed together
Asking how to accomplish the path.
(妙法蓮華經第二品 方便之5)
慧日大聖尊 久乃說是法
自說得如是 力無畏三昧
禪定解脫等 不可思議法
道場所得法 無能發問者
我意難可測 亦無能問者
無問而自說 稱歎所行道
智慧甚微妙 諸佛之所得
無漏諸羅漢 及求涅槃者
今皆墮疑網 佛何故說是
其求緣覺者 比丘比丘尼
諸天龍鬼神 及乾闥婆等
相視懷猶豫 瞻仰兩足尊
是事為云何 願佛為解說
於諸聲聞眾 佛說我第一
我今自於智 疑惑不能了
為是究竟法 為是所行道
佛口所生子 合掌瞻仰待
願出微妙音 時為如實說
諸天龍神等 其數如恒沙
求佛諸菩薩 大數有八萬
又諸萬億國 轉輪聖王至
合掌以敬心 欲聞具足道