Hitt sijun, Vuddyy qra Sariputra qongw, “Hyw :ar, hyw :ar, mrbenw qycc qongw :ar. Narr qongw jitt qnia, itcer sewqanx jiongww tenzinn qapp langg longxx e qniagii.”
Sariputra qycjaiww duiww Vuddyy qongw, “Sewjunx! Hibang liw qongw, hibang liw qongw. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Jitt xee hue lairdew busor vaccingbanrig asamkia jiongwsingx bad qnir quer jerje vut, qinx-singr lrai, diwhui bingtongx, tniax vut soxx qongw e qiongqingr sinwhok.”
Hitt sijun, Sariputra beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:
“Busiong junquir ee huat'ongg
Cniaw liw qongw benw kuawlu
Hue-diongx buliong ee dairjiongr
Vitdnia u qiongqingr sinwhok :ee”
Vuddyy qycjaiww joxjiw Sariputra, qongw, “Narr qongw jitt qnia, itcer sewqanx ee tenzinn, langg, qapp asura longxx e qniagii, gnorban qenqor ee bikiu e vuac lyc dua knikamr.”
Hitt sii, Sewjunx dingg qycc sueh jimgensix:
“Hyw :ar hyw :ar mrbenw qongw
Guaw ee bibiau Hxuad lann sukyw
Jerje gnorban qenqor :ee
Tniax .diyc vitdnia be qiongqingr sinwhok”
Hitt sii, Sariputra qycjaiww duiww Vuddyy qongw, “Sewjunx, hibang liw qongw, hibang liw qongw. Qinaxzit dirr hue-diongx, cincniu guanw jiaxee jitt vuer :ee u vaccingbanrig, singsingx-sewser ixx sriu vut ee qauwhuar. Cincniu jiaxee langg vitdnia e qiongqingr sinwhok, dirr dngg xia an'unw, did diyc jiokk je hyw cxur.”
Hitt sijun, Sariputra beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:
“Busiong hokdig qapp diwhui liongw qiamx ee junjiaw
Hibang liw qongw dog'id ee Hxuad
Guaw juer Vuddyy ee diongxjuw
Cniaw liw hunvet qangxsuad
Hue-diongx buliong jiongwsingx
E qiongqingr siuwhok jitt xee Hxuad
Vut bad dirr singsingx-sewser
Qauwhuar inx jiaxee
Inx longxx itsimx habjiongw
Beh tniax qapp jiapsiu Vuddyy qongw :ee
Guanw jiaxee jit-cingx nng-vah xee
Ixqip qitax qriuu vut :ee
Uirr jiaxee dairjiongr ee enqor
Hibang liw hunvet qangxsuad
Inx jiaxee tniax diyc jitt xee Hxuad
E snix cud dua hnuahiw"
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter II Skillful Means 6)
Then the Buddha addressed Śāriputra, saying: “Enough, enough! Speak no more! If I explained this matter, the devas and humans in all the worlds would be astounded.”
Then Śāriputra again addressed the Buddha: “O Bhagavat! Please explain it! I entreat you to explain it, because in this assembly there are innumerable hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of incalculable sentient beings, sharp in faculties and possessed of wisdom, who have previously encountered the buddhas. When they hear the teaching of the Buddha they will trust, believe, and accept it.”
Thereupon Śāriputra spoke in verse to explain this again:
O King of the Dharma, the Best of Humans!
I entreat you to explain it.
Please explain it without hesitation!
In this assembly there are innumerable sentient beings
Who will trust and accept it.
Then the Buddha again tried to dissuade Śāriputra, saying: “If I explain it, the devas, humans, and asuras in all the worlds will be astounded, and arrogant monks will certainly go to their downfall.”
At that time the Bhagavat again spoke in verse:
Enough, enough! Speak no more!
The Dharma that I have attained Is excellent and incomprehensible.
Though the arrogant hear it,
They will never accept it.
And again Śāriputra addressed the Buddha, saying: “O Bhagavat! Please explain it! Please explain it! In this assembly there are people like me and others, numbering into the hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of beings, who have been led and inspired by the buddhas in their former existences. Such people will certainly trust, believe, and accept it. And they will benefit, profit, and receive solace from it for a very long time.”
Thereupon Śāriputra spoke these verses to elaborate on what he meant:
O Best of Humans!
Please teach the ultimate Dharma!
I am the eldest son of the Buddha.
Please illuminate and explain it!
Innumerable beings in this assembly
Will certainly trust and accept this Dharma,
Because the Buddha in former existences
Led and inspired such people.
All of them will attentively listen and accept,
Their palms pressed together,
To the words of the Buddha.
I entreat you to illuminate and explain it
For the assembly of twelve hundred people like me,
And the others seeking buddhahood.
When they hear this Dharma
They will bring forth great joy.
(妙法蓮華經第二品 方便之6)
法王無上尊 唯說願勿慮
是會無量眾 有能敬信者
止止不須說 我法妙難思
諸增上慢者 聞必不敬信
爾時舍利弗重白佛言。世尊。唯願說之。唯願說之。 今此會中。如我等比百千萬億。世世已曾從佛受化。如此人等必能敬信。長夜安隱多所饒益。爾時舍利弗欲重宣此義。而說偈言。
無上兩足尊 願說第一法
我為佛長子 唯垂分別說
是會無量眾 能敬信此法
佛已曾世世 教化如是等
皆一心合掌 欲聽受佛語
我等千二百 及餘求佛者
願為此眾故 唯垂分別說
是等聞此法 則生大歡喜