
Shurangama Qingx (id-28)

Zulaii jurr anxnex an' vacvyw-lunn jiangw-diongx cud jit jua vyxqngx vuex duiww Ananda ee jniawvingg. Hitt sii, Ananda uat tauu hiongr jniawvingg knuar. Ix qycjaiww vangwsia cud jit jua qngx vuex duiww Ananda dywvingg. Ananda iurqycc uat tauu hiongr dywvingg knuar.
Vuddyy qra Ananda qongw, "Liw ee tauu qinaxzit inhyy uat dinxdang?"
Ananda qongw, "Guaw knuar diyc Zulaii huad cud bixbiau ee vyxqngx vuex duiww guaw ee jyxiurvingg, mrjiacc knuar dywvingg qycc knuar jniawvingg, tauu qaqi dyrr e dinxdang."
"Ananda! Liw uirdiyhh knuar Vut ee qngx, tauu dywvingg qapp jniawvingg uat dinxdang. Si liw ee tauu dinxdang, iacc si qnir ee vunxsingr decc dinxdang?"
"Sewjunx! Guaw ee tauu qaqi dinxdang. Acc guaw qnir ee vunxsingr byy jit sii dniardiyc, beh anwjnuaw qongw decc dinxdang?"
Vuddyy qongw, "Byy m driyc."
Dyrr anxnex, Zulaii qra soxu dairjiongr qongw, "Narr qycc u jiongwsingx qra e dinxdang :ee qiyr jyr din'aix, qra be dniardiyc :ee qiyr jyr kxeh, linw knuar Ananda tauu qaqi dinxdang, qnir ee vunxsinx be duer lecc dinxdang. Qycc liw knuar guaw ee ciuw qaqi kuix .kuix qapp hap uaw .laii, qnir ee vunxsinx vingrr byy tenw .kuix iacc kud zip. Jnuaxngiu linw jitmaw qra dinxdang :ee knuar jyr si srinx, qra dinxdang :ee knuar jyr si qxingw? An' kixtauu qaur lorbuew, simx simx liam liam :ee dyrr si snix cud qapp bet .kir, suacc sitlyc jinsimx jursingr. Qniavangr qeww dendywtauu, jursingr ee vunxsimx jauxjuac, liac kecdinn surbut jyr jurqiw. Dirr lunhuee lairdew lunjuanw marr si qaqi jyr did laii :ee."

(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 1 --28)
Then from his wheeled palm the Thus Come One sent a gem-like ray of light flying to Ánanda’s right.  Ánanda immediately turned his head and glanced to the right.  The Buddha then sent another ray of light to Ánanda’s left.  Ánanda again turned his head and glanced to the left. The Buddha said to Ánanda, "Why did your head move just now?"
 Ánanda said, "I saw the Thus Come One emit a wonderful gem-like light which flashed by my left and right, and so I looked left and right.  My head moved by itself."
"Ánanda, when you glanced at the Buddha’s light and moved your head left and right, was it your head that moved or your seeing that moved?"
"World Honored One, my head moved of itself.  Since my seeing-nature is beyond even cessation, how could it move?"
The Buddha said, "So it is."
Then the Thus Come One told everyone in the assembly, "Normally beings would say that the defiling dust moves and that the transitory guest does not remain.
"You have observed that it was Ánanda’s head moved; yet his seeing did not move.  You also have observed my hand open and close; yet you’re seeing did not stretch or bend.
"Why do you continue to rely on your physical bodies which move and on the external environment which also moves? From the beginning to the end, this causes your every thought to be subject to production and extinction.
"You have lost your true nature and conduct yourselves in upside-down ways. Having lost your true nature and mind, you take objects to be yourself,
and so you cling to revolving on the wheel of rebirth."


