
Sir Liamrju Qingx (11)

Jiongww bikiu! Dyrr piwlun u jit kax nng xee cuir ee vowde, lairdew drew jiongxjiongw ee niusit, cincniu qongxx biw, judbiw, ligdau, hylandau, iumuaa, qapp cywbiw. U bagjiux e hunven :ee qra tauw .kuix, quancad cud, 'Jex si biw, jex si judbiw, jex si ligdau, jex si hylandau, jex si iumuaa, jex si cywbiw.' 

(Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta - 11) 
Just as if, bhikkhus, there were a double-mouthed provision bag filled with various kinds of grain such as: hill-paddy, paddy, green-gram, cow pea, sesamum, and husked rice; and a man with sound eyes, having opened it, should examine it thus: “This is hill-paddy, this is paddy, this is green-gram, this is cow pea, this is sesamum, and this is husked rice.”

(四念住經 - 11)  

