
Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Jap-snax-9)

Vuddyy qra Hukongjong Posad qongw, "Jimjiog tniax, jimjiog tniax! Guaw beh uirr liw it'id suatbingg. Narr birlaii sxer u senrlamjuw iacc senrluxzinn qnir diyc Derjong ee hingsiong qapp tniax diyc jitt vxo qingx, simrjiww siongrtok, iong pangx huex, imxsit, ihok, iacc dinvyw laii vowsix, qingwhong, janwtanr, jiambong, qapp qnialew, ix tangx did diyc zi-jap-veh jiongw lirig. Id .jiarr, tenzinn qapp lringg e qra siuxho; zi .jiarr, senrqyw zidzit jingqax; snax .jiarr, sxingr ee siongrdingw xinx e jurjip; sir .jiarr, potee be trer; go .jiarr, jiahcing liongrsing; lak .jiarr, vnerjingr be limsinx; cid .jiarr, juixhuew ee jaieh li hng hng; veh .jiarr, be u qiongqongwcat ee jaieh; qauw .jiarr, langg' qnir diyc ix longxx e qra kimqingr; jap .jiarr, sinn qapp qxuiw e qra vangjo qapp hucii; jap-id .jiarr, jabow au cutsir juanw jyr javosinx; jap-zi .jiarr, e jyr qun'ongg iacc dairsinn ee jaboxqniaw; jap-snax .jiarr, siongwmau duanjniar; jap-sir .jiarr, kacc je e cutsir kir tnidingw; jap-go .jiarr, uree e jyr dewongg; jap-lak .jiarr, u jaix siokser ee sintongx; jap-cid .jiarr, qriuu :ee longxx e did .diyc; jap-veh .jiarr, quanwsiok longxx e hnuahiw kuaiwlok; jap-qauw .jiarr, soxu hnuaigik longxx e siaubet; zi-jap .jiarr, giabdy ingxuanw dubet; zi-jap-id .jiarr, beh kir ee soxjai longxx tongtaur; zi-jap-zi .jiarr, amwsii binbang iarr anlok; zi-jap-snax .jiarr, senzinn tangx ham' kow dng liauxli; zi-jap-sir .jiarr, sriu siokser hokkir diwimr laii siursingx; zi-jap-go .jiarr, siurr jiongww singwjiaw janwtanr; zi-jap-lak .jiarr, congbingg qycc qinkir lrai; zi-jap-cid .jiarr, jusimx ziauzu qycc u linbinxsimx; zi-jap-veh .jiarr, quibuew e jniaa vut.  

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)       
(The Entrustment of People and Gods - 9) 
The Buddha told Empty Space Treasury Bodhisattva, "Listen attentively, listen attentively, I shall enumerate them and describe them to you. "Good men or women in the future may see images of Earth Store Bodhisattva and hear this Sutra or read or recite it. They may use incense, flowers, food and drink, clothing, and gems to give gifts and make offerings. They may praise, behold and bow to him. Such beings will benefit in twenty-eight ways: First, they will be protected by gods and dragons. Second, their good roots will increase daily. Third, they will amass supreme causes pertaining to Sagehood. Fourth, they will not retreat from Bodhi. Fifth, their clothing and food will be abundant. Sixth, they will never be infected by epidemics. Seventh, they will never be in disasters of fire and water. Eighth, they will never be threatened by thieves. Ninth, they will be respected by all who see them. Tenth, they will be aided by ghosts and spirits. Eleventh, women who want to can be reborn as men. Twelfth, women who want to can be daughters of leaders of nations and officials. Thirteenth, they will have an upright and proper appearance. Fourteenth, they will often be born in the heavens. Fifteenth, they may be emperors or leaders of nations. Sixteenth, they will have the wisdom to know past lives. Seventeenth, they will attain whatever they seek. Eighteenth, their families will be happy. Nineteenth, they will never undergo any disasters. Twentieth, they will leave the bad karmic paths forever. Twenty-first, they will always arrive at their destination. Twenty-second, their dreams will be peaceful and happy. Twenty-third, their deceased relatives will leave suffering behind. Twenty-fourth, they will enjoy blessings earned in previous lives. Twenty-fifth, they will be praised by sages. Twenty-sixth, they will be intelligent and have keen faculties. Twenty-seventh, they will be magnanimous and empathic. Twenty-eighth, they will ultimately realize Buddhahood.  

(囑累人天品 - 9) 
佛告虛空藏菩薩:諦聽諦聽!吾當為汝分別說之。若未來世,有善男子善女人,見地藏形像,及聞此經,乃至讀誦,香華飲食,衣服珍寶,布施供養,讚歎瞻禮,得二十八種利益:一者、天龍護念,二者、 善果日增,三者、集聖上因,四者、菩提不退,五者、衣食豐足,六者、疾疫不臨,七者、離水火災,八者、無盜賊厄,九者、人見欽敬,十者、神鬼助持,十一 者、女轉男身,十二者、為王臣女,十三者、端正相好,十四者、多生天上。十五者、或為帝王,十六者、宿智命通,十七者、有求皆從,十八者、眷屬歡樂,十九者、諸橫消滅,二十者、業道永除,二十一者、去處盡通,二十二者、夜夢安樂,二十三者、先亡離苦,二十四者、宿福受生,二十五者、諸聖讚歎,二十六者、聰明利根,二十七者、饒慈愍心,二十八者、畢竟成佛。

