
Jrap Agama Qingx (Id -13)

Guaw tniax .diyc .ee si anxnex. Susii, Vut dirr Sāvatthī Qog Jeta Ciurnaa lairdew ee Anāthapiṇḍika Hngg kiarkiw. Hitt xee sijun, Sewjunx qra jiongww bikiu anxnex qongw:
"Narr jiongwsingx duiww siksinx byy cuwbi, dyrr be virr siksinx bag .diyc. Jiongwsingx duiww siksinx u cuwbi ee enqor, jiacc e kir hro bag .diyc. Jiauww jitt kuanw, jiongwsingx duiww qamxsiu, batsniu, qniahingg, qapp iwsig narr byy cuwbi, hiaxee jiongwsingx dyrr be virr iwsig bag .diyc. Jiongwsingx duiww qamxsiu, batsniu, qniahingg, qapp iwsig u cuwbi ee enqor, jiongwsingx jiacc e bag diyc iwsig.
"Jiongww bikiu! Narr siksinx duiww jiongwsingx m si hyrhuan, hiaxee jiongwsingx duiww siksinx ingwdongx be iawsen. Siksinx duiww jiongwsingx si hyrhuan ee enqor, hiaxee jiongwsingx jiacc e iawsen siksinx. Jiauww jitt kuanw, knuawtai qamxsiu, batsniu, qniahingg, qapp iwsig m si hyrhuan :ee, hiaxee jiongwsingx dyrr duiww iwsig be iawsen. Qamxsiu, batsniu, qniahingg, qapp iwsig duiww jiongwsingx si hyrhuanr ee enqor, hiaxee jiongwsingx jiacc e iawsen iwsig.
"Jiongww bikiu! Narr jiongwsingx byy qra siksinx vangr li, hiaxee jiongwsingx dyrr ingwdongx be qra siksinx vangr li. Jiongwsingx u qra siksinx vangr li ee enqor, hiaxee jiongwsingx jiacc e qra siksinx vangr li. Jiauww jitt kuanw, jiongsingx byy qra qamxsiu, batsniu, qniahingg, qapp iwsig vangr li, hiaxee jiongwsingx dyrr ingwdongx be qra iwsig vangr li. Jiongwsingx u qra qamxsiu, batsniu, qniahingg, qapp iwsig vangr li ee enqor, hiaxee jiongwsingx jiacc e qra iwsig vangr li.
"Jiongww bikiu! Narr guaw duiww go unr byy sidsit jaiqiyh qongxx cuwbi si cuwbi, hyrhuan si hyrhuan, vangr li si vangr li, guaw dirr jiongww tnix, Mara Xmoo, Brahma, sabunn, brahmin, ixqip tnisinn qapp jingwlangg lairdew dyrr berdangr tuatlii, berdangr cud .laii, berdangr lirkuix, ingxuanw kia dendyr, iarr berdangr qaqi uijingr qongxx u did diyc anuttara samyaksambodhi.
"Jiongww bikiu! Guaw ixx sidsit jaiqiyh jitt go unr, jai'ngiaw cuwbi si cuwbi, hyrhuan si hyhuan, vangr li si vangr li ee enqor, guaw tangx qaqi uijingr qongxx dirr jiongww tnix, Mara Xmoo, Brahma, sabunn, brahmin, ixqip tnisinn qapp jingwlangg lairdew erdangr tuatlii, erdangr cud .laii, erdangr lirkuix, erdangr qaixtuad sokvak, ingxuanw be kia dendyr, iarr erdangr qaqi uijingr qongxx u did diyc anuttara samyaksambodhi." 
Hitt sii, jiongww bikiu tniax diyc Vut soxx qongw :ee longxx hnuahiw beh jiauww anxnex laii siuhing. 

(Saṃyuktāgama 1-13)   
Thus have I heard. At one time the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s Park. At that time the Blessed One said to the monks: 
"If living beings did not find gratification in bodily form, they would not get defiled by bodily form. Because living beings find gratification in bodily form, they are defiled by bodily form and attached to it. In the same way, if living beings did not find gratification in feeling … perception … formations … consciousness, they would not get defiled by consciousness. Because living beings find gratification in feeling … perception … formations … consciousness, they are defiled by consciousness and attached to it. 
"Monks, if living beings did not experience the danger in bodily form, those living beings would not become disenchanted with bodily form. Because living beings experience the danger in bodily form, those living beings become disenchanted with bodily form. In the same way, if they did not experience the danger in feeling … perception … formations … consciousness, those living beings would not become disenchanted with consciousness. Because living beings experience the danger in feeling … perception … formations … consciousness, those living beings become disenchanted with consciousness. 
"Monks, if for living beings there were no escape from bodily form, those living beings would not escape from bodily form. Because for living beings there is an escape from bodily form, those living beings escape from bodily form. In the same way, if for living beings there were no escape from feeling … perception … formations … consciousness, those living beings would not escape from consciousness. Because for living beings there is an escape from feeling … perception … formations … consciousness, those living beings escape from consciousness.
"Monks, as long as I had not understood as it really is the gratification in relation to the five aggregates of clinging as gratification, the danger as danger and the escape as escape, among gods, Māra, Brahmā, recluses, brahmins and the assemblies of gods and humans I was not liberated, had not gone beyond, was not released, was forever dwelling in mental distortion and was unable to declare of myself that I had attained supreme and right awakening.
"Monks, because I had understood as it really is the gratification in relation to the five aggregates of clinging as gratification, the danger as danger and the escape as escape, among gods, Māra, Brahmā, recluses, brahmins and the assemblies of gods and humans I was able to declare to have attained liberation, to have attained the going beyond, to have attained escape and to have attained liberation from the fetters, to be forever not dwelling in mental distortion and I was able to declare of myself that I had attained supreme and right awakening."
Then the monks, hearing what the Buddha had said, were delighted and received it respectfully.   

(雜阿含經卷第一 -13) 

