
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-1-53)

53. Ving'iuw
"Sniaw si luxhingg-sii ee ving'iuw?
Sniaw si cur nirr ee ving'iuw?
Sniaw si iauwqinw sii
ee ving'iuw?
Sniaw si birlaii ee ving'iuw?"

"Kecsiongx si luxhingg-sii ee ving'iuw.
Laurbuw si cur nirr ee ving'iuw.
Iauwqinw sii ee ving'iuw si,
Dagg vaiw Iauwqinw sii longxx laii juewpnua.
Juer qongdig :ee,
Si qaqi birlaii ee ving'iuw."

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-1-53)
53. The Friend
“What is the friend of one on a journey?
What is the friend in one’s own home?
What is the friend of one in need?
What is the friend in the future life?”

“A caravan is the friend of one on a journey;
A mother is the friend in one’s own home;
A comrade when the need arises
Is one’s friend again and again.
The deeds of merit one has done—
That is the friend in the future life.”

(相應部 1-1-53)
何為旅人友   何為自家友
何為肇事友   何為未來友
商主遊人友   母為自家友
朋友事起時   屢次皆為友
自作功德者   乃為未來友

