“Ananda! Jitt xee Vut taukag-dingw jikju ee qngx henxhen cud Sitata-Patra, viwbit ee gatha, bibiau ee jniuqur, jiongdiongx snix cud sibhongx itcer jiongww Vut. Sibhongx Zulaii, an' jitt xee simx-jxiur, singjiu busiong venwvenr ee jniar qakdix.
Sibhongx Zulaii jipsiuw jitt xee simx-jxiur, tangx hanghok jiongww xmoo, apjer soxu guardy.
Sibhongx Zulaii tranr jitt xee simx-jxiur, jre vyxlenhuex, henr ingwhuawsinx dirr cniurr din’aix hiacc je ee qoktow.
Sibhongx Zulaii qnaa jitt xee simx-jxiur, dirr cniurr din’aix hiacc je ee qoktow juanw dua huatlunn.
Sibhongx Zulaii cisiuw jitt xee simx-jxiur, erdangr dirr sibhongx uirr jiongwsingx syx taukag siurqir. Narr qaqi iauxx bue giamrjingr vudqyw :ee, iarr e dirr sibhongx singlingw Vut ee siurqir.
Sibhongx Zulaii uaxkyr jitt xee simx-jxiur, erdangr dirr sibhongx qiuwjo jiongwsingx ee kow. Soxui dergak, iaux qxuiw, jingsnix, cnimii, cauwhni, be qongxue, exqauw, uanwhun e kow, air vedlii e kow, qriuu be diyc e kow, gnoximx iamrzet, d.-duarser-s. ee hinghy qang sijun qaixtuad. Cat-lan, vxingx-lan, ongg-lan, qnagak-lan, hongx-juiw-huew-lan , iaux iacc cuir dax, higjiaw sanwciah, longxx e ingwliam siausanr.
Sibhongx Zulaii sun jitt xee simx-jxiur, erdangr dirr sibhongx hogsai senrdiwsig, dirr sir uigii diongx jiauww simx soxx guan qiongriongw. Dirr Ganges Hyy sowliong hiacc je ee Zulaii huathue lairdew, inx e virr cuiquw juer dua Hxuad Ongjuw.
Sibhongx Zulaii sidhingg jitt xee simx-jxiur, erdangr dirr sibhongx liapsiu cinlangg, qycc hro soxu Siyxsingg tniax diyc viwbit vyxjong be qniahniaa.
Sibhongx Zulii siongrtok jitt xee simx-jxiur, singjiu busiong qakdix; jre dirr poteciu-kax zip dua Liappuann.
Sibhongx Zulaii tuann jitt xee simx-jxiur, dirr beddo liauxau, huwtog Vudhuad ee su, tangx jurcii qaur qiuwqingr, giamsiuw qaiwlut, longxx did diyc cingjing.
Narr guaw suansuad Vut taukag-dingw jikju ee qngx henxhen cud Sitata-Patra, an’ jaxkiw qaur amwsii, imsniax siy’ lenn, zirqur diongqanx iarr byy dingtac, qingquer Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je ee qiab iarr be jin. Iarr tangx qra jitt xee jxiur qiyr juer Zulaii Taukag-dingw. Linw jiaxee u decc yc :ee, lunhuee iauxx bue jin, jiwsingg huatsimx beh cruw Arahant ee qyxui. Dirr dyrdniuu jre, byy cisiuw jitt xee jxiur, beh hro srinx qapp simx uanxlii jiongww mosu, byy jitt hy dairjir.”
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 7-4)
"Ananda, it is from this cluster of light atop the crown of the Buddha's head, the secret chant, Sitata-Patra, with its exquisite, wonderful compilation of phrases, that all the Buddhasof the ten directions come forth. Because the Tathagatas of the ten directions use this mantra-heart, they realize Unsurpassed, Proper, and All-pervading Knowledge and Enlightenment.
"Because the Tathagatas of the ten directions take up this mantra-heart, they subdue all demons and control all adherents of externalist ways."
"Because the Tathagatas of the ten directions avail themselves of this mantra-heart, they sit upon jeweled lotus-flowers and respond throughout countries as numerous as atoms of universe."
"Because the Tathagatas of the ten directions embody this mantra-heart, they turn the great Dharma wheel in worlds as numerous as atoms of universe."
"Because the Tathagatas of the ten directions hold this mantra-heart, they are able to go throughout the ten directions to rub the crowns of beings' heads and bestow predictions upon them. Anyone in the ten directions who has not yet realized the levels of sagely fruition, can receive predictions from these Buddhas."
"Because the Tathagatas of the ten directions are based in this mantra-heart, they can go throughout the ten directions to rescue beings from sufferings experienced in the hells, as hungry ghosts, as animals, or by being blind, deaf, or mute, as well as from the suffering of being together with those one hates, the suffering of being apart from those one loves, the suffering of not obtaining what one seeks, and the suffering of the raging blaze of the five skandhas. They can simultaneously liberate beings from both major and minor accidents. In response to their recitation, dangers involving bandits, armies, the law, or imprisonment; dangers involving wind, fire, and water; and dangers of starvation, thirst, or impoverishment are all eradicated."
"Because the Tathagatas of the ten directions are in accord with this mantra-heart, they can serve good and wise advisors throughout the ten directions. Abiding in the four aspects of majestic deportment , they make absolutely appropriate offerings. In the assemblies of as many Tathagatas as there are sand grains in the Ganges, they are considered to be great Dharma Princes."
"Because the Tathagatas of the ten directions practice this mantra-heart, they can gather in and teach their relatives in the ten directions and keep those of the Small Vehicle from being frightened when they hear this secret treasury."
"Because the Tathagatas of the ten directions recite this mantra-heart, they realize Unsurpassed Enlightenment while sitting beneath the Bodhi trees, and enter Parinirvana."
"Because the Tathagatas of the ten directions transmit this mantra-heart, after their Nirvana, those to whom they have bequeathed the Buddhadharma can dwell in and support it to an ultimate degree. Being strict and pure in the precepts and rules, they can attain total purity."
"If I were to explain this cluster of light atop the crown of the Buddha's head Patra Mantra from morning till night unceasingly, without ever repeating any syllable or phrase, I could go on for as many eons as there are sand grains in the Ganges and still never finish. I also will tell you that this mantra is called The Crown of the Tathagata. Unless you hold this mantra, all of you with something left to study who have not yet put an end to the cycle of rebirth and yet have brought forth sincere resolve to become Arhats, will find it impossible to sit in a Way-place and be far removed in body and mind from all demonic deeds."