
Shurangama Qingx (zi-25)

Ananda qra Vuddyy qongw, "Sewjunx! Dyrr cincniu huat'ongg soxx qongw :ee, qakdix ee din'enn dirr sibhongx sewqair venwvenr, cingjing, ciangjai, vunxsingr byy snix iarr byy bet. Jex ham' ixjingg Brahmin Kapila soxx qongw hiaxee viwsut ixqip qoo hxex koxhingg soxu guardy soxx qongw u jinsit ee guaw dirr sibhongx muaw siwqer ee lixlun u sniaw jingcax? Sewjunx marr bad dirr Lanka Snuax uirr jit quaw dua diwhui posad qangxsuad ywgi. Liw qongw, 'Hiaxee guardy ciangjai decc qongw si jurzenn :ee. Guaw soxx qongw ee inenn, m si inx hitt xee jancur.' Guaw dnaxx quanknuar jitt xee qakdix ee vunxsingr si jurzenn :ee, byy snix iarr byy bet, ham' itcer hubuu, lamrsamw, qapp dendyr li hng hng. Naxx cincniu m si in'enn, iarr m si inx hitt jiongw jurzenn :ee. Sniaw kuanw kaisi tangx hro guanw be ham zip hitt qrunn siasuad lairdew, tangx did diyc jinsit ee vunxsimx qapp bibiau, bingqngx, qapp u qakdix ee vunxsingr?"

(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 2 --25)
Ánanda said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, it is truly as the Dharma King has said: the condition of enlightenment pervades the ten directions. It is clear and eternal its nature is neither produced nor extinguished.  "How does it differ, then, from the Elder Brahmin Kapila’s teaching of the mysterious truth or from the teaching of the ash-smeared ascetics or from the other externalist sects that say there is a true self which pervades the ten directions? Also, in the past, the World Honored One gave a lengthy lecture on this topic at Mount Lanka for the sake of Great Wisdom Bodhisattva and others: ‘Those externalist sects always speak of spontaneity.  I speak of causes and conditions which is an entirely different frame of reference.’ Now as I contemplate original enlightenment in its natural state, as being neither produced nor extinguished, and as apart from all empty falseness and inversion, it seems to have nothing to do with your causes and conditions or the spontaneity advocated by others.  Would you please enlighten us on this point so we can avoid joining those of deviant views, thus enabling us to obtain the true mind, the bright nature of wonderful enlightenment?"

阿難白佛言。世尊。誠如法王所說。覺緣遍十方界。湛然常住。性非生滅。與先梵志娑毗迦羅。 所談冥諦。及投灰等諸外道種。說有真我遍滿十方。有何差別。世尊亦曾於楞伽山。為大慧等敷演斯義。彼外道等。常說自然。我說因緣。非彼境界。我今觀此覺性自然非生非滅。遠離一切虛妄顛倒。似非因緣。與彼自然。云何開示。不入群邪。獲真實心妙覺明性。

