Siong'ingr Vxo (1-1-45)
45. Uanzinn
"Ix ee miasniax dngrr kuatham,
U qnir diyc ywgi.
Sisiar diwhui,
Byy jipdiok dirr iogbong ee siu.
Ixx jaiqiyh itcer ee henzinn,
Qniaa dirr singwhenn ee dyrlo,
Si dua singwzinn."
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-1-45)
45. Perfect
“Behold him of perfect name,
The seer of the subtle goal,
The giver of wisdom, unattached
To the lair of sensual pleasures.
Behold the wise one, all-knowing,
The great seer treading the noble path.
(相應部 1-1-45)
其名無有缺 而於見秘義
若以施智慧 不著愛欲家
知一切賢者 以行於聖道