Siong'ingr Vxo (1-1-47)
47. Jyrlimm
"Smixmic langg ee qongdig,
Zid'ia dniardnia jingtiamx?
U siuw qaiwlut qycc anju dirr Hxuad(Dhamma) :ee,
Bylun si'angw iarr tangx ongsingx kir tenqair?"
Jingr ciu, jyrlimm,
Jy qiyniuu :ee,
Qrut jnew, qiongqib tangx limx ee juiw,
Qenwjy jurqux :ee,
Jiaxee langg ee qongdig,
Zid'ia vitdnia jingtiamx.
Anju dirr Hxuad(Dhamma) qycc u siuw qaiwlut :ee,
Jitt hy langg tangx kir tenqair."
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-1-47)
47. Planters of Groves
“For whom does merit always increase,
Both by day and by night?
Who are the people going to heaven,
Established in Dhamma, endowed with virtue?”
“Those who set up a park or a grove,
The people who construct a bridge,
A place to drink and a well,
Those who give a residence:
For them merit always increases,
Both by day and by night;
Those are the people going to heaven,
Established in Dhamma, endowed with virtue.”
(相應部 1-1-47)
任何人功德 日夜常增長
具戒止住法 誰亦往天界
植園以植林 以是作橋梁
以掘飲水井 作水小屋者
其人之功德 日夜必增長
法住戒具足 是人行天界
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
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