
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-1-46)

46. Senluw
"Senluw decc vauuii,
Inx bersux jit din suh huih ee qxuiw.

Jitt dah qiyr juer Gucix Nxaa,
Anwjnuaw tangx dytuad .cud .kir?"

"Jitt diauu lo cxingx juer jingwdit,
Jitt xui qiyr juer byy qniahniaa,

Ciax hy juer byy kihkickogkok ee sniax,
U draur hxuad ee lenw-aw.
Qenwisuar juer kongwjewdaii,
Jniawliam si dniuwlii.
Guaw qra hxuad qiyr juer ciahux,
Jniawqenr si kuilo :ee.
Jre jitt kuanw ciax ee langg,
Si luw iacc si lxamm,
Uaxkyr jre jitt daii ciax,
Tangx qaur qaxx Nibbana."

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-1-46)
46. Nymphs
“Resounding with a host of nymphs,
Haunted by a host of demons!
This grove is to be called ‘Deluding’:
How does one escape from it?”

“‘The straight way’ that path is called,
And ‘fearless’ is its destination.
The chariot is called ‘unrattling,’
Fitted with wheels of wholesome states.

The sense of shame is its leaning board,
Mindfulness its upholstery;
I call the Dhamma the charioteer,
With right view running out in front.

One who has such a vehicle—
Whether a woman or a man—
Has come by this vehicle
In the vicinity of Nibbåna.”

(相應部 1-1-46)
天女所侍者   如事吸血鬼
此名愚癡林   如何得出口
此道稱真直   此地稱無怖
車稱無轢聲   具足斯法輪
慚為依靠臺   正念是帷帳
以法我稱御   正見是先行
如是乘車人   是女或是男
依於此車乘   到達於涅槃

