
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-1-75)

75. Kiongxhongg
"U jerje jiongw hxuad decc qar,
Jnuaxngiu jitt sewqanx kiongxhongg :ee qycc hiacc je?
U dua diwhui :ee,
Gotama guaw cingxmng:
Diyhh anwjnuaw kiarkiw,
Langg dirr jitt sewqanx be kiongxhongg?"

"Jingwkag ee ue qapp ir,
Srinx byy juer og,
Narr dirr huwzu qadingg,
U sinr qycc ziusun,

Juer sxen qycc zinjuu.
Dirr jitt sir jiongw hxuad kiarkiw,
Dirr jitt sewqanx be kiongxhongg."

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-1-75)
75. Afraid
“Why are so many people here afraid
When the path has been taught with many bases?

I ask you, O Gotama, broad of wisdom:
On what should one take a stand
To have no fear of the other world?”

“Having rightly directed speech and mind,
Doing no evil deeds with the body,
Dwelling at home with ample food and drink,
Faithful, gentle, generous, amiable:
When one stands on these four things,
Standing firmly on the Dhamma,
One need not fear the other world.”

(相應部 1-1-75)
道實種種說   何多恐此世
具大智慧者   瞿曇我請問
以立於何者   人不恐此世
正確語與意   以身不為惡
若於富裕家   有信有柔和
善辨仁慈深   立此之四法

